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MI628 Individual Assessment


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MI628 Individual Assessment (60 Marks)

Review of literature and Case Study of Business Analytics adoption

The Assignment

The individual assessment is designed to expose students to the state-of-the-art and state-of-play of

Business Analytics in selected industries.

Part A - Literature Review [50 marks]

The first part of the assessment entails writing a literature review on the adoption of business

analytics in a specific industry of your choice. The review will address the following themes:

1.   The range of organisational contexts for Business Analytics in the chosen industry

2.   The perceived strategic importance of Business Analytics to the growth, competitiveness, and digital transformation of companies or organisations in the industry.

3.    Factors affecting the adoption of business analytics in the industry

4.    Challenges in adopting business analytics by organisations in the industry

5.    Emerging and future areas of application of Business Analytics in the industry

Part B - Case Analysis [50 marks]

The second part of the assessment involves selecting an organisation in the chosen industry as a   case study, collecting, and analysing data on the use of business analytics in the organisation. The case documentation will include specifying:

1.   The mission of the organisation; the key product and services; business pressures facing the organisation and its overall competitive strategy

2.    Business analytics capabilities of the organisation and the business functions/processes supported by these capabilities in the organisation

3.    Concrete examples of Business Analytics tools used by the organisation

4.    Outcomes from the use of business analytics

5.    Challenges in the use of business analytics in the organization

Assignment Output

The output of the assignment will be a report in MSWord detailing the findings. The report will comprise two parts:

Part A (Literature review) will be a minimum of 2000 words and a maximum of 2500 words.

Part B(Case study) of the report will be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words. These word counts exclude references.

Assignment Report Submission

Deadline Date: assignments must be submitted on or before December 20th 2023, 10:00 am.

Reports will be submitted electronically (in MSWord) to Moodle (via Turnitin). The assignment will only be deemed to have been submitted when the electronic copy has been received. Reports should have a cover sheet stating the student name, student number, module title, word count, and date of submission.

Marks for the assessment

This assessment will comprise 60% of the overall marks for the module.

Part A Rubric [50%]

Marks will be awarded for originality and relevance, structure, arguments, methodology, quality of references and insights presented. Marks will be awarded based on the rubric below.


Part B Case Study Rubrics [50%]



To plagiarize is to take and use the thoughts, writings, or inventions of another person and to

present them as your own. To do so is a serious offence. If you use another person's work in any

form you must reference it, either as a source of your thoughts or as a direct quotation. Please check MU’s plagiarism policy for more information. Any reference cited in the assignment report must

appear in the list of references. Each reference must contain all data necessary for identification and library research. All assignment reports will be analysed for plagiarism by a software application that has been specifically designed for this purpose.

All assignment reports will be analysed for plagiarism by a software application that has been specifically designed for this purpose.