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BEAM046 Financial Modelling (2023/24)


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BEAM046 Financial Modelling (2023/24)

Individual Assignment

(70% of Total Module Assessment)

Submission Deadline: 11:59AM on 15 December 2023

(Late Submission Penalties Will Apply)

Word Limit: 1500 words with a 10% margin (excluding tables, references, and appendices)

The University of Exeter (UE) has once again sought your expertise in portfolio construction. As a  non-profit  organisation,  UE  is  particularly  concerned  about  the  risk  associated  with  its endowment fund and has requested additional insights on this matter. UE’s risky portfolio invests in Caterpillar (CAT), Johnson and Johnson (JNJ), Walmart (WMT), Nvidia (NVDA), and Proctor and Gamble (PG). All analyses will be conducted assuming a risk-free rate of 0% and no exchange rate fluctuations. Trading fees and transaction costs are assumed to be negligible given the size of UE’s portfolio. Use historical monthly returns from January 2016 to December 2022 for all your analyses and historical averages as proxies for expected returns.

1.   Construct the following three portfolios using the abovementioned five stocks:

a.   P1 : the optimal risky portfolio with no trading constraints

b.   P2 : the optimal risky portfolio constructed under the constraint that the 95% monthly portfolio return Value at Risk (VaR) is 5%. Estimate the VaR using the variance- covariance method, assuming normal distribution for monthly portfolio returns.

c.   P3 : the market portfolio with the following asset weights:

CAT: 7.35%      JNJ: 27.32%      WMT: 22.70%       NVDA: 21.40%     PG: 21.23%

Report the asset weights for each portfolio and calculate key performance measures using historical monthly returns from 2016 to 2022.

2.   Estimate the 95% and 99% monthly return VaR for P1, P2, and P3  using both the variance- covariance method (with the normality assumption) and the historical simulation method. Report the estimation results.

3.   Estimate the 95% and 99% monthly return conditional value at risk (CVaR) for P1, P2, and P3 using the historical simulation method. Report the estimation results.

4.   Discuss the results from the previous two questions. What insights can be drawn from the estimated VaR and CVaR? Assess the suitability of the two VaR estimation methods given the data.

5.   UE is considering combining its optimal risky portfolio (P1) with along-term bond to create a complete portfolio. Your team has gathered bond market data to construct the yield curve. The  data  file  “Bond_Prices.xlsx”  contains  information  on  key  features  and  prices  for government bonds with varying time to maturity. Bond prices are quoted as percentages of face value. Use these bond data to construct and plot the yield curve.

6.   Choose an appropriate model to fit the yield curve constructed in the previous question. You may fit more than one models, but you will need to choose the most suitable one and provide justifications for your choice.

7.   The bond that UE is considering holding is a 20-year 4.3% annual coupon bond. The first

coupon payment will be made in three months (0.25 years), and the bond will mature in 19.25 years. For simplicity, assume negligible default risk for the bond during UE’s holding period, and that UE plans to hold this bond until maturity. UE does not expect the return on this bond to co-move with other risky assets. Use the yield model you chose in the previous question to estimate the annual yield for this bond.

8.   UE’s complete portfolio (P4) consists of the aforementioned bond and the optimal risky portfolio P1. UE wants P4’s monthly return to have a 95% VaR of 5%, calculated using the variance-covariance method with the assumption that returns are normally distributed. How should P4 be constructed? Report the weights for the bond and P1.

9.   Both P2  and P4  have a 95% VaR of 5%. Provide a recommendation to UE regarding which portfolio is more desirable and explain your choice.


Prepare a report that addresses all the aforementioned questions. Make sure the texts and results are logically structured. Begin with a brief introduction to the report’s purpose, followed by methodologies. If your dataset is exactly the same as that of the group assignment, you may skip the data section. If you collected any new data for this assignment, you should provide a detailed explanation of the data source. Next, present your analysis results and discussions. Conclude your report with a summary of your recommendations for UE. Feel free to add additional sections. The word count limit is 1,500 words, with a  10% margin. Tables, references, and appendices are not included in the word count. Each student should submit one PDF file. Other forms of document (e.g., Excel worksheet) will not be accepted.


If you wish to earn extra credits, consider incorporating the following into your analysis:

10. UE would like to assess the likelihood that its complete portfolio (P4) can generate a monthly return of at least  1%, an important threshold to meet its budgetary needs. Your team has decided to estimate this probability using the bootstrap technique. Resample the 2016~2022 historical returns to generate 100 bootstrapped samples, each with 84 observations. Report the cross-sample average probability that the monthly return of P4  exceeds 1% and find out its 95% confidence interval. Does P4  generate sufficient returns to meet UE’s budgetary needs?

11. UE is concerned about market crash risk due to global economic and political uncertainties. Your team has decided to use simulation techniques to assess the impact of stock market crashes. Assume the monthly return for P1, rt, follows the data generating process:

rt = vt Ct

, where vt  follows the normal distribution with mean̂(μ)  and variancê(σ)2 , and Ct  takes the value of (-3%) with 20% of probability and 0 with 80% of probability.̂(μ)   and̂(σ)2  are the sample mean and variance estimated using P1 ’s monthly returns between 2016 and 2022. vt and Ct are assumed to be independent.

Use this data generating process to simulate 5,000 P1 monthly returns. Use the weights found in Question 8 to construct the complete portfolio P4  to generate 5,000 simulated monthly returns for P4. Assume the bond held by UE remains unaffected by the stock market crash. Use the simulated P4 returns to calculate (1) the average monthly return for P4, (2) the 95% monthly return VaR for P4 using the historical simulation method, and (3) the probability that P4 can generate monthly return above 1%. Are you confident that P4 is profitable enough (i.e., monthly returns greater than 1%) for UE?

12. Your team is uncertain about the loss magnitude of a potential stock market crash (i.e., the value of Ct). Therefore, you want to conduct  sensitivity analysis to examine how key performance measures change with loss amount. Allow the monthly loss amount to vary from 1% to 10% in increments of 1%. Report how the following three measures change accordingly: (1) the average monthly return for P4, (2) the 95% monthly return VaR for P4 using the historical simulation method, and (3) the probability that P4  can generate monthly return above 1%.