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COM340 Investigative Journalism 2023/2024


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COM340 Investigative Journalism


Assignment Brief


Date of briefing November 1, 2023

Date of submission December 22, 2023 (2pm)

Submission method LMO Core

Word limit 2,000 (plus or minus 10%)

Weight 60% of module grade

Referencing APA Style

The essay is worth 60% of the final mark for this module. Students are required to choose ONE essay question from the list provided below. Regardless of the question chosen, students will have to develop their arguments making use of theory backed up by relevant examples from published investigative stories. In other words, the essay must demonstrate a good use of both secondary sources (academic texts; professional online guidelines) and primary sources (extracts from investigative journalistic stories).

1) Delineate the historical development of investigative journalism in the US and explain the role that investigative journalism can play in a democratic society. Use illustrative journalistic examples from the US to back up your arguments.

2) Sixth Tone is an online publication that produces in-depth content about contemporary China. Choose 1-3 stories that in your opinion represent good examples of investigative journalism. By looking at the content, the use of human sources, and documentary evidence, determine to what extent those stories might be considered as pieces of investigative journalism. News website available here: http://www.sixthtone.com/.

3) Using examples from Chinese investigative journalism, discuss to what extent environmental investigative reporting can have an impact on society.

4) The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) published an Ethics Guide stating that all journalists should avoid using anonymous sources. Do you agree or disagree? Please justify your answer by providing a maximum of three investigative stories to support your argument. CIR Ethics Guide available here: https://www.revealnews.org/ethics-guide/.

5) Can student media produce articles that are likely to disclose scandals and make an impact on society? To what extent can student media play a role in investigative journalism? Answer by using illustrative examples.

6) The Global Investigative Journalism network has published a list of exemplary stories using data journalism for investigative video storytelling, which is available at: https://gijn.org/2017/07/04/best-of-data-journalism-for-video/. Drawing on relevant examples, discuss benefits and drawbacks of using data to enhance reporting, reception and impact of investigative stories.

7) An essay question developed from the seminar discussions for the module. The essay idea should be original and not one that has been presented and discussed in the seminars.

Essay requirements

The essay should be 2,000 words (plus or minus 10%).

The essay should feature at the end of the introduction a clear central statement (thesis) or question around which the arguments are organised.

The essay should feature an interest-evoking title that simultaneously gives an indication of the thesis and topic.

As to structure, it is recommended that the essay contains the following components:

· Introduction

· Main Body with references to secondary sources (for example, academic articles and books) and primary sources (for example, news articles)

· Conclusion

· Bibliography

You can give a sub-heading to each component. Sub-headings should be descriptive.

The essay should reference at least 5 academic sources outside of the module readings.

Your essay must include the bibliography. Please use the APA system of referencing, which means citing the author, publication date and page number in the body of your essay, and then giving the full details in your list of references at the end. The APA guide is available on the module page on the LMO Core.

Submission guidelines

1. Name the file in this way:

Family name_Given name_COM340_Essay

2. Your submission must include the coversheet on the first page.

3. At the beginning of the essay include a header that has your name and your student number.

4. Below the header indicate number and essay question chosen.

5. Include the word count at the end of the essay.

6. Format the article in Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced.

7. At the end of the essay include the bibliography. The bibliography is not included in the final word count.

8. The assignment must be uploaded on LMO Core by the deadline.

COM340 Essay - Feedback Form

Marker’s comments

Main strengths:

Areas for development:


COM340 Essay - Assessment Criteria

First Class


‘From very good to outstanding’

The essay shows evidence of highly detailed knowledge and understanding of material, concepts and theories with very good linking of ideas.

The student shows awareness of ambiguities and limitations of knowledge.

The argument has been clearly stated.

A wide range of original sources beyond the module handbook have been employed.

The analytical approach is original, very well thought through and backed at all points by appropriate evidence.

The essay is very well structured, with good connections between paragraphs.

Introduction and conclusion are excellent.

Writing is highly expressive and readable with excellent sentence structure.

The essay is largely free of grammatical and other errors.

There is excellent referencing using the APA system.

Upper Second Class - 2.1



The essay demonstrates a good understanding of relevant theories with good linking of ideas and minor gaps in knowledge.

The analysis is clear and perceptive with minor weaknesses.

The argument is well stated but contains a few inaccuracies.

Some reading has been sourced from beyond module handbook.

The student shows some originality in approach.

The argument is well thought through, detailed and backed in the main by appropriate evidence.

The essay is essentially well structured with an attempt at establishing good linking of paragraphs.

Introduction and conclusion are very good.

Writing presents some weaknesses in exposition and/or structure and a few more grammatical and other errors.

There is essentially accurate referencing using the APA system.

Lower Second Class - 2.2



The essay shows evidence of sound knowledge of relevant theories with fair critical grasp of established sources and a good attempt at linking ideas.

The analysis is fine and shows some evidence of independent thought.

The argument is fairly stated.

The essay presents a good use of background information but reading is mainly restricted to lecture notes and contents of module handbook.

The analysis is competent and appropriate evidence is deployed to back majority of arguments.

The essay is fairly structured with good attempt at connecting paragraphs.

Introduction and conclusion are acceptable.

Exposition and structure are competent.

Presentation is competent but presents some significant grammatical and other errors.

There are some referencing errors.

Third Class



The essay demonstrates awareness of main issues with some linking of ideas.

The argument is not clearly stated.

There is evidence of reading but it is limited in range and resources, and information has not always been selected appropriately.

The essay shows some attempt at describing key aspects but there is little evidence of independent thought.

The structure of the essay is effective, but with some gaps or weaknesses.

Introduction and conclusion are poor.

The essay shows weaknesses in exposition, structure and presentation.

There are several referencing errors.

Compensatable Fail



(34% and below)

Relevant theories and concepts have not been addressed or have been misunderstood.

There are major gaps in knowledge and understanding.

Ideas have not been properly linked.

The argument is missing or confusedly stated.

There is very little or no evidence of reading.

The essay lacks critical insight and shows little theoretical underpinning.

The essay is poorly structured with missing introduction or conclusion.

Exposition is confused and limited.

There are serious grammatical and other errors.

There are significant referencing errors or referencing is not present.