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MATH 220: Mathematical Proof


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MATH 220: Mathematical Proof

Logistical Information

All course information will be maintained and updated on: http://canvas.ubc.ca

To access student support, FAQs and additional info, visit http://students.canvas.ubc.ca

Instructor: Dr. Heinz Bauschke

Teaching Assistant: Shambhavi Singh

Contact: Email [email protected] Use “MATH 220” as subject

Do not call my office phone (and do not leave a message)! I only very infrequently check my office phone.

Lectures: MWF 10:00-11:00 (usually live on zoom, lecture recording posted on zoom afterwards).

I recommend developing your own set of notes.

Office Hours: Thursdays 9:00–10:30 and 1:30–3:00 on zoom (tentatively, starting September 16, 2021).

Textbook: No textbook is required. The notes are distributed on canvas.

Course Outline and Key Dates

This course requires registration in a tutorial activity as well as the lecture section.

        Calendar Description: “Sets and functions; induction; cardinality; properties of the real numbers; sequences, series and limits. Logic, structure, style and clarity of proofs emphasized throughout.” (3 credits, Pre-requisite is MATH 101)

Course overview, content and objectives: We shall cover almost all of the material of the course notes provided. The objective of this course is to make the student able to do proofs in set theory, and convergence of sequences and series. This is fundamental importance for 3rd and 4th year courses.

Learning outcomes: Mastering of proof techniques and material from beginning Set Theory and Analysis.

Tentative course schedule: We shall (very roughly) cover a chapter per week from the course notes.

Sept 8, 2021: First lecture.

Oct 13, 2021: Term Test I during class time (on zoom).

Nov 19, 2021: Term Test II during class time (on zoom).

Dec 6, 2021: Last lecture.

Final Exam (on zoom): December TBA, 2021, Details TBA

Midterm break and other calendar dates can be found at: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/


Homework: 45%

Tutorial: 15%

Term Tests (two): 10% total (each is worth 5%)

Final Exam: 30%

Passing Criteria: course grade of 50% or higher.

Homework (45%)

Homework is (usually) due on Saturdays at 11:00 pm. Homework must be submitted on canvas as one pdf. Homework sent by email WILL NOT be accepted. Assignments are marked for completeness, correctness, and clarity for a few selected questions. LATE ASSIGNMENTS RECEIVE NO MARKS but may receive feedback. Your worst two assignments will be discarded when computing the homework portion.

Tutorial (on zoom, 15%)

You are expected to attend (8%), participate in discussions, and answer questions. The quality of your two required responses is worth 6% (3% each); 1% can be obtained for overall participation or answering harder questions. There is no penalty in the tutorial attendance portion if you miss up to 2 tutorials. If you do miss 3 or more tutorials, then contact me with appropriate documentation.

Term tests (on zoom, 10%)

Term tests will be held during class time on the days listed. Each term test is worth 5% of your course grade.

        No electronic aids are permitted on the term tests to help you with questions. This includes calculators, cell phones, watches, and other such devices. You are not allowed to communicate with other students or consult any notes. I expect you will have access to zoom during the exam.

        No make-up term tests will be provided. If you miss a term test, a valid medical reason (or similar) must be provided. If a valid medical reason (or similar) is presented, then that term test’s weight on the final course grade will be shifted to the final exam.

Final Exam (on zoom, 30%)

No electronic aids are permitted on the term tests. This includes calculators, cell phones, watches, and other such devices. You are not allowed to communicate with other students or consult any notes.

All tests and examinations are closed-book

The examinations in this course are all closed-book, so you are NOT permitted to access any of the course materials, including your notes, during the exam. You are NOT to use any search engines or other programs except for the program required to complete the exam. You are also NOT to communicate with anyone about the exam during the scheduled write time or after the examination – you are to work independently. Communication with other students (written, text, verbal, etc.) is not permitted and will constitute Academic Misconduct. If you violate these conditions you have engaged in Academic Misconduct and will be subject to the consequences articulated in the Academic Integrity section below.

        Students might be asked to acknowledge an academic integrity pledge prior to completing the examination. The instructor reserves the right to use appropriate software for exam invigilation.

Technology required

In order to engage fully with this course online, students are required to have a laptop or desktop computer and a stable Internet connection. Students are encouraged to check out this link: https://keeplearning.ubc.ca/setting-up/ You will need have software to create a single pdf of your homework or tests to be submitted online. Look into appropriate scanning software and make sure that the pdf produced is not overly large.

Technical Support Resources

There are a number of supports on campus to assist students with technical issues. Students are encouraged to familiar-ize themselves with the software required for their courses. Instructors are also encouraged to have contact information for technical support available, should students reach out for support. For example, the Student Learning Hub’s techni-cal support https://students.ok.ubc.ca/academic-success/learning-hub/tech-support-for-online-learning/