关键词 > ECON4093

Instructions on the Course Project of Urban Economics (ECON4093)


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Instructions on the Course Project of Urban Economics (ECON4093)

Submission requirements: via iSpace TURNITIN link

Submission deadline: before 5:00 pm 11 December 2023 (Monday)

This is a two-member research project, for you to write a project report of, in principle, no less than 2,000 words to apply what we have learned in this course to analyze and explain Urban Economics-related events or activities such as those associated with urban size, city development, transportation, urban housing, urban land policy, or urban education. When you organize your project reports, you are also advised to refer to the FYP report guidelines and the style and format of published academic papers.

The timeline for the project is set as follows: A completed project report, either in PDF or in Microsoft word, should be submitted through the iSpace link before 5:00 pm 11 December 2023 (Monday). You also need to present your research in class in Weeks 13 or 14.

Your project report should include the following contents:

1. Project title, project members’ names and ID, and the date

2. Abstract (100-200 words)

3. Introduction (including research questions, background, contributions, objectives and so on)

4. Literature review and research hypotheses

5. Sample data (e.g., date sources and descriptive statistics) and research methods (e.g., multiple regression models or panel data regression)

6. Empirical results and discussions (relevant tables and figures should be also included) 7. Summary and conclusions (e.g., research findings and policy recommendations)

8. References

9. Appendixes (all relevant project materials, including original regression results generated from certain econometric software package)

Research Expectations:

1.    The  project  should  be  based  on your research  title  and  explore  valuable  and meaningful research questions related to practical urban economics issues.

2.    It is also expected that you will review and comment on relevant literature and research as appropriate.

3.    The  project  report  should  make  use  of  econometric  regression  techniques  to empirically analyze the collected economic or urban data.

4.    The project report should appropriately take account of the causal relationship among economic variables.

5.    The project report should also give due consideration to the reliability or robustness of regression results.

6.    The project  report  should also make appropriate policy recommendations and solutions to the practical problems based on the regression results.

7.    Your entire research report should be organized clearly and logically.

Data and Software:

There are no restrictions on the data sources and statistical software packages used in the research project, although more reliable data sources will help improve the quality and reliability of the data analysis.


Students should use PowerPoint slides to demonstrate their main research findings and results. They should also present and summarize the findings in class with a high degree of lucidity, in addition to the submission of full report.

Finally, it is important to note that there should be no plagiarism or copying behaviors in your final project reports. Your project reports will be detected and checked using Turnitin platform. Your project report’s similarity should not exceed 20%. Plagiarized work will receive zero mark. Additionally, please note that using AI tools will NOT be permitted during the completion process of the project report.