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PHYS 122 homework problem set #11


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Physics 122, Fall 2023

Homework Module 11

PHYS 122 homework problem set #11

Due on Monday December 11 at 11:50 am. Send the electronic copy of your homework via BlackBoard, appending the solutions to the cover sheet provided. Follow ALL guidelines outlined in the cover sheet.

1.    A beam of sunlight strikes the exosphere with an intensity of 0.56 W/cm2. Calculate (a) Em and (b) Bm for sunlight there, assuming it to be a plane wave.

2.    Anisotropic point source emits light at wavelength 500 nm, at the rate of 200 w. Jake places a light detector  400 m from  the  source.  What  is  the  maximum  rate ?B/?t at  which  the  magnetic component of the light changes with time at the detector’s location?

3.    A squared shaped blackboard of length 0.8 cm is placed in front of a light bulb. If the blackboard is black and totally absorbing in nature (blackbody), what radiation pressure is exerted on it if light coming from the lightbulb has an intensity of 10 W/m2?

4.    Akza’s spaceship with a mass of only 1.5 x 10kg (including Akza) is drifting in outer space with negligible gravitational forces acting on it. If Akza turns on a 10 kw laser beam, what speed will the ship attain in 1.0 day because of the momentum carried away by the beam?

5.    A small laser emits light at power 5.00 mw and wavelength 633 nm. The laser beam is focused (narrowed) until its diameter matches the 1266 nm diameter of a sphere placed in its path. The sphere is perfectly absorbing and has density 5.00 x 103kg/m3. What is the magnitude of the acceleration given by the laser to the sphere?