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Final Exam Questions for P106


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Final Exam Questions for P106

On the day of the exam, you will be presented with seven of these questions, and you will be asked to answer five of those seven.

1.   How does Descartes argue for the existence of God in Meditation 3?

2.   How does Descartes argue for the Truth Rule in Mediation 3, and why does he want to establish the Truth Rule? (You needn’t explain his argument for the existence of God.)

3.   What is mind-body dualism, as Descartes understands it, and what are his arguments for it?

4.   Locke offers an account of the identity conditions for masses, plants/animals, and persons. What are these conditions? Why does Locke think that consciousness is what is relevant to personal identity, and what does he mean by consciousness?”

5.   Williams offers an argument against the psychological continuity theory of personal  identity, according to which personal identity depends only on psychological factors, such as memory. What is Williams’ argument and the thought experiment he uses to motivate it?

6.   Why does Socrates, in Meno, think that knowledge must be justified, true belief? How does Gettier argue that knowledge can’t just be justified, true belief?

7.   What is Socrates’ cyclical argument for the immorality of the soul, as presented in the Phaedo?

8.   What is Meno’s paradox concerning the possibility of inquiry?

9.   What is Hume’s argument that belief in miracles is never justified?

10. What is Hume’s skeptical argument concerning induction?

11. What is Elisabeth’s objection to Descartes’ mind-body dualism?

12. What is Jackson’s knowledge argument against physicalism?

13. Why does Hume think that free will is compatible with determinism?

14. What is Pyrrhonian skepticism, and how does it propose that we arrive at tranquility?

15. What is Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God?