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COMP7201 Analysis and Design of Enterprise Applications in UML Assignment 3


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Department of Computer Science

COMP7201 Analysis and Design of Enterprise Applications in UML

Assignment 3. Object-oriented Design

Deadline. Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 23:55 p.m.

Systems Design

Our team of systems analysts has delivered to you the analysis model of the SGAI system. See the sample solution of Assignment 1. You are requested to work on the design phase as follows:

Part I. Original Design

S1.  For the use case “Register”, transform the analysis use case documentation into design use case documentation.

S2.  For the design use case “Register”, model object interactions and behaviour using the standard steps:

(a)  Identify and categorize design classes.

(b) Identify (additional) attributes.

(c)  Create a communication diagram to model high-level interactions of the design objects.

S3.  Identify the behaviour and responsibilities.

S4.  Update the class diagram from the sample solution of Assignment 1 to reflect any necessary changes due to Steps S1 to S3 above.

Part II. Systems Redesign due to Requirements Change

The users are making a request for a change of requirements. In the original requirements on 3 October 2023, they wrote that

“(3) Once confirmed, an hange the requirements as follows:

“(3) Once confirmed, account will be setup.”

However, they would like to can activation link will be sent to the student’s email address. The student clicks the link, then an account will be setup.”

You are requested to redesign the system according to the new requirement.

Tasks and Deliverables

For PartI.  Submit all the design deliverables, including the design use case description for “Register”, the new use case diagram (if different), the list of categorized design classes,   the list of attributes, the list of behaviour and responsibilities, the communication diagram for “Register”, and the updated class diagram.

For Part II. Submit only the deliverables that need to be revised owing to the change of user requirement. Please answer this part separately and do not combine your Part II answer with Part I.

Enclose in red those parts that are actually amended.

Please produce the diagrams using any of the following UML tools:

(i)     IBM Rational Software Architect Designer V9.6.1, or

(ii)    Diagrams.net, or

(iii)   Lucidchart, or

(iv)   Microsoft Visio

Students may use other UML drawing tools not listed above, but they will be personally responsible for any difficulties or problems that they will encounter.

Prepare other documentation using MS Word. Consolidate the deliverables into a PDF file. Submit it

through Moodle. Please remember that, in software engineering, the process is more important than the product.

Useful Notes

N1.  To ease student workload, low-level interactions via sequence diagram(s) and state machine(s) are not required for this assignment.

N2.  Do not use IBM Rational Software Architect Designer V9.6.1 to generate meaningless  communication diagrams. Please use other drawing tools for communication diagrams.

Late Submission Policy

No late submission will be allowed for this assignment. This will enable us to publish a sample solution for student review before the examination period.