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Mus 130 Fall 2023 Writing Assignment # 3


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Mus 130   Fall 2023

Writing Assignment # 3—Due Wednesday, 6 December—11:59 pm

Form Mapping

For this assignment, you may choose 1 of the pieces listed below:

Johannes Brahms, Op. 118, #5 Romanze

Joni Mitchel, “California” from the album Blue

Nas, “New York State of Mind” from the album Illmatic

Charles Lloyd and Jason Moran, “You’ve Changed,” from the album HagarsSong. “You’ve Changed” was composed by Carl Fischer with lyrics by Bill Carey.

Part 1—Form Graphic

Map out the form of the piece/song.  The map should be a graphic and show as much relevant information about how the form of the piece/song is defined.  It should show:  melodic/thematic repetitions or contrasts; temporal structures—durations or metrical features; textural features, including repetitions or contrasts; timbral features—timbral qualities and changes; pitch designs—as appropriate; and any other musical features you find significant to delineating the form.

•   For the Brahms piece, an annotated score maybe included.

•   For “You’ve Changed” there is a lead sheet available that you could use and annotate. But make sure to check it carefully against the Lloyd/Moran performance-no guarantee that they follow that lead sheet.

•   For theNas song, make sure to include information about the samples and when/how they occur.

Part 2

Part 2 is a short written account of the formal design of the music you have chosen. This should be roughly 300-500 words.

NB: If you access some pre-existing formal analysis of the music you have chosen, please be sure to give proper citation.  If you rely on someone else’s formal analysis, please include a short statement indicating if you think the author of that analysis got everything right and why.  In other words, please check that author’s analysis against your own. This prose part of the paper is different from the 300-500 word account of the formal design.

Grading:  10 points total

You will be graded on the following:

a)   The organization and legibility of the form map

b)  “Correct” identification of the form and its parts

c)   Organization of your ideas in the prose sections of the assignment

d)  Technical aspects of writing (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.)