关键词 > SPSS代写



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Please use iPhone Survey Data_new for the following questions. For each question, please answer the question in your own words, and then copy and paste the relevant SPSS output below your answer.

1. Run a histogram of LONGIPHONE, make sure you ask for the normal curve (10 points).

2. Describe LONGIPHONE, report its central tendency, dispersion, and evaluate its distribution based on the normal distribution statistics (15 points).

3. Write down the null and alternative hypothesis for the following two hypotheses (10 points).

· Physical textbook and e-textbook lead to different learning outcomes.

· There is an effect of the star rating on people’s intention to watch the movie.

4. Run a bar chart for RACE. What is the most popular answer? What is the percentage of participants who chose that most popular answer? Find the accurate number from descriptive analyses (10 points).

5. Run a correlation between COMMIT1, Commit1_plus_1, and commit1_double, and answer the following questions (15 points):

a. how many correlations did SPSS run for you, not counting the duplicate ones?

b. Report the r, df, and p for each correlation and clearly identify for what variables you are reporting the values.

c. (extra credit question: 5 points) By eyeballing the actual data of these three variables and looking at their correlation values, briefly comment on why you think they have such correlation values.

6. I want to use COMMIT1 to predict SATIS1. What is the regression equation that SPSS gets for us? Based on the equation, when somebody scores 1 on COMMIT1, what would the predicted SATIS1 value for him/her be (20 points)?

7. My hypothesis is: gender (GENDER) has an effect on people’s time spent on searching online and reading the results on their cell phone (TIME). Choose the appropriate analysis to test this hypothesis, and formally report the findings (20 points).