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Database Development and Design (DTS207TC) Assessment Task 1


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Module code and Title

Database Development and Design (DTS207TC)

School Title

School of AI and Advanced Computing

Assignment Title

001: Assessment Task 1 (CW)

Submission Deadline

23:59, 15th Dec (Friday)

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Database Development and Design (DTS207TC)

Assessment 001: Individual Coursework

Due: Dec 15th, 2023 @ 23:59

Weight: 60%

Maximum Marks: 100

Overview & Outcomes

This assignment aims to gain experience in understanding the internal functionality of different database management systems, including RDBMS, XML, Object-relational databases, and gain experience in designing data warehouses to perform OLAP operations. The course work will be assessed for the following learning outcomes:

A. Identify and apply the principles underpinning transaction management within DBMS.

B. Demonstrate an understanding of advanced SQL topics.

C. Illustrate the issues related to Web technologies and DBMS and XML as a semi-structured data representation formalism.

D. Identify the principles underlying object-relational models.

E. State the main concepts in data warehousing and data mining.

Assessment Tasks

Your task is to answer every question by carefully reading the questions and guidelines for the system setup. Record your thoughts and assumptions, where necessary, while reporting your answers. There are the following five parts for this course work corresponding to five learning outcomes of this module:

1. Advanced SQL, Triggers, Indexing, and Query Optimization

2. Transaction Management

3. Querying XML Data

4. Object-Relational Database

5. Data Warehousing and OLAP

Marking Criteria

The coursework will be graded out of 100 marks with a 60% weightage of the final grade. Your final report should be a complete, polished artefact that incorporates all the necessary detail from each of the components. This is an opportunity for you to pull all of your work from the term together into one complete project. There are five (5) parts and twenty (20) marks available for each part. Marks will be awarded based on the level of correctness of each answer. For example, 100% for fully correct with required explanation/justification, partial marks based on the level of incorrectness or missing required details.

1: Advanced SQL, Triggers, and Indexing

(20 Marks)

Q1(a) The dataset to be used in this exercise is the College_Admission database provided along with this assignment. The dataset contains a normalized schema for a table of students, colleges, and information about students applying to colleges. You are required to load the data in Oracle Database and use SQL Developer to answer the following questions. For each question, please provide query statements, results and explanation. (2*3=6 marks)

i. Retrieve students’ names with majors for which they have applied.

ii. Retrieve the name, GPA, and application decision of students from the high school with less than 1000 students and have applied to major in CS at Stanford.

iii. Compute the amount by which the average GPA of students applying to CS  exceeds the average GPA of students who are not applying to CS. [Hint: compute two subqueries in the from clause, one of them computes the average GPA of CS applicants and one the average GPA of non CS applicants, in the select clause do the subtraction of the non-CS GPA from the CS-GPA].

Q1(b) In the next task, use the same database (College_Admission) by using PL/SQL block to work on triggers for the scenario given below: (8 marks)

Create a row-level trigger on the student table that will fire after insertions into the student table by checking the GPA value of a new record. If the GPA of the inserted student is greater than 3.3, and less than or equal to 3.6, that student will be automatically applying to Stanford for a geology major and applying to MIT for a biology major. In other words, if the GPA of a new student satisfies the given condition (GPA>3.3 and GPA<=3.6), two new rows should be automatically added to Apply table, one with values (sID of the new Student, cName: ‘Stanford’, major: ‘geology’, Decision: NULL, and second row with values ( sID of the new student, cName: ‘MIT’, major: ‘biology’, Decision: NULL).

To test the above trigger, create and execute SQL statements to insert a new row in the student table with satisfying GPA conditions. E.g.

insert into Student values ('111', 'Kevin', 3.5, 1000);

insert into Student values ('222', 'Lori', 3.8, 1000);

The first insert statement satisfies the GPA condition (GPA>3.3 and GPA<=3.6), so two new tuples should be automatically added in the Apply table. You should provide trigger code, test SQL and query results showing new records in the student, and Apply tables according to your insert statement.

Q1(c) In the next task, you will be working on the same database to work on indexes by considering the following scenario: (6 marks)

Create a tree-based index (one at a time) on the following attribute pairs (Note: by default, indexes are tree-based).

Student.sID, College.cName

Student.sID, Student.GPA

Apply.cName, College.cName

Apply.sID, Student.GPA

Execute the following query each time you create an index, and evaluate which two pairs of the index are most useful for speeding up query execution. For each pair, discuss why that index pair is or is not useful based on the number of disc blocks required to access to retrieve a record.

Select * From Student, Apply, College

Where Student.sID = Apply.sID and Apply.cName = College.cName

And Student.GPA > 1.5 And College.cName < 'Cornell'

2: Transaction Management (20 Marks)

Q2(a): Consider a relation R(A) containing {(5),(6)} and two transactions:

T1: Update R set A = A+1;

T2: Update R set A = 2*A.

Suppose both transactions are submitted under the isolation and atomicity properties. Provide all possible final states of R (values of R) by considering all possible serializable and non-serializable schedules. (4 marks)

Q2(b) Consider a table R(A) containing {(1),(2)} and following two transactions run concurrently:

T1: Update R set A = 2*A; commit;

T2:  Select avg(A) from R; commit;

If transaction T2 executes using READ UNCOMMITTED, what are the possible average values of T2 returns? Provide an explanation for each value it returns. (4 marks)

Q2(c) Consider table R(A) containing {(1),(2)}. Suppose we have the following two transactions running concurrently:

T1: Update T set A=2*A;

insert into R values (6);


T2: Select avg(A) from R;

Select avg(A) from R ;


If transaction T2 executes using REPEATABLE READ, what are the possible values returned by T2 in its SECOND select statement?  Provide an explanation for each value it returns. (4 marks)

Q2(d) For each of the following schedules of read, write, commit and abort actions done by transactions T1, T2, T3, state whether they are recoverable or not. If not recoverable, what type of inconsistencies might we have in the final database state? If recoverable, which of the other transactions need to be rolled back?  Note ri (A) and wi (A) mean that transaction Ti reads and writes database object A, respectively.  Justify your answer. (4*2=8 marks)



























3: Querying XML Data (20 Marks)

Q3 In this task, you are required to use the Company XML schema provided along with this assignment or the lab manual (Chapter 3). Specify the following views by writing and executing XQuery expressions on the company.xml document. For each query, provide query expression, results and explanation (or comment). (4*5=20 marks)

Note: You can use any XML editor using the software guide provided along with the lab manual.

i. Get distinct project numbers of projects in which employees work. The results should be ordered by project number.

ii. Create a view that has the department name, manager name, and manager salary for every department.

iii. A view that has the employee name, supervisor name, and employee salary for each employee who works in the ‘Research’ department.

iv. A view that has the project name, controlling department name, number of employees, and total hours worked per week on the project for each project.

v. A view that has the project name, controlling department name, number of employees, and total hours worked per week on the project for each project with more than one employee working on it.

4: Object-Relational Database (20 Marks)

Answer questions 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c) by considering the following UML diagram for the online course application we have used in the lab for Object-Relational Mapping.

Q4(a) Note that Instructor and learner have Many-To-Many relationships with the course. We created class models for User, Instructor, Learner, Course, and Lesson to directly map these entities to objects. In addition, we created an Enrollment class to allow students to get enrolled for a course. We have added Instructors in the Course class in the lab. In this task, complete the below code by updating the Course class by adding Many-To-Many relationship with Learner via Enrollment relationship. (4 marks)

Q4(b) After defining class models in the lab assignment, we created objects by defining methods for User, Instructor, Learner, Course, and Lesson using the ‘write.py’ file.  We also defined a method for creating objects for Course_Enrollment relationship. In this task, you are required to open the ‘write.py’ file and append a method for Course_instructor_relationship() to add courses for instructors. You are required to complete the below code. (6 marks)

Save the ‘write.py’ file and run it in the terminal to populate the ‘course_instructor’ table in the database. Provide a screenshot of course_instructor table with three rows referring to rows in the course and instructor tables.

Save the ‘write.py’ file and run it in the terminal to populate the ‘course_instructor’ table in the database. Provide a screenshot of course_instructor table with three rows referring to rows in the course and instructor table. Also, provide a screenshot of the course and user table to refer to rows in these tables corresponding to the given instructor of the course from the course_instructor table.

Q4(c) At this point, you have defined models and created objects. Now you will apply your skills of querying objects.  In this task, you are required to create ‘Read.py’ file under your ‘online_Courses’ project directory.

Open the ‘Read.py’ file; first, copy Django-specific settings from the ‘wsgi.py’ file, set database connection, and import model classes, as we did in the lab session. Create code to perform the following queries: (2*5 = 10 marks)

i. Find learners with last name “Smith”.

ii. Find two youngest learners (ordered by dob).

iii. Retrieve all learners for the “Cloud Application Development with Database” course.

iv. Retrieve instructors for “introduction to python” course.

v.  Retrieve occupation list of learners for the courses taught by instructor “Peter”.

Format your code in a way that the query results should look like as given below. Provide a screenshot of your code and query results.

5: Data Warehousing and OLAP (20 Marks)

Q5 In this task, you will perform “Online Analytical Processing” (OLAP) style queries over a simple “star schema” given below. The corresponding schema, along with the database, is provided with this assignment. You are required to load the schema in Oracle Database and use SQL developer to perform the following queries: (4*5=20 marks)

i. Summarize (sum, min, and count) store sales for USA and Canada in 2016 by store zip code and month without using subtotal operators. Provide query code and results.

ii. Use the same problem in part one and generate all possible subtotals by zip code and month using the data CUBE operator. Provide query code and results in your report.

iii. Summarize (SUM, COUNT, and MIN) store sales for USA and Canada between 2016 and 2017 by year and month. Generate partial subtotals for year and month using the ROLLUP operator. Provide query code and results in your report.

iv. Rewrite the query in part 3, and provide a set of subtotals on year, quarter, and month. Sort the results in a convenient order.

v. Identify differences between results containing the GROUP BY clause (but not subtotal operators) and data cube and Rollup Results from queries in 1, 2, and 3. You should compare and contrast results based on the number of rows and subtotals groups. Explain why or why not each type of subtotal is useful for supporting business-specific queries.