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4PAHPRM1 Research Methods 1 Assignment 03 2023


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RM1 Assignment 03 2023

Submission Deadline: Submit before 10.30am Monday 4th  December 2023

The work that you submit for this assignment must be your own

Rename this Template Document with the module code, your K-number and the assignment name in the file name. For example, if your K-number was K1234567, you could name your file: ‘4PAHPRM1_K1234567_Assignment_03.docx’

Complete the empty boxes in the cover sheet on this page, add your K-number

and Student ID to the header, and then add your answers to the document on the pages that follow (in the boxes). Question C1 begins on the next page.

Do NOT include your name in the file name of the document.

Do NOT include your name anywhere in this document.

Module Title and Code:

PAHPRM1 Research Methods 1

Assignment Deadline:

Before 10.30am Monday 04 December 2023

Question Attempted (if appropriate):

Attempt ALL questions

Title of submitted file:


Word Count (where a limit is specified):

For each of the features that you are asked to write about in Question C3, there is a 200-word limit. (This limit applies separately to each


C3i word count:   C3ii word count:  C3iii word count:

Please identify one

aspect of your answers for which you would     like specific feedback    comments (this could   be a particular

question; or a specific   aspect of your work). If you have no specific

request, type “None .


Question C1 [18 marks available]

(a) & (b) [6 marks]           These are the answers for my data set:

Each limit reported to 2 decimal places.


The lower bound (limit) of this interval =



The upper bound (limit) of this interval =


Each statistic reported to 2 decimal places.


The mean span score for letter stimuli =



The mean span score for digit stimuli =


Each statistic reported to 3 decimal places.


The variance of the span scores for letter stimuli =



The variance of the span scores for digit stimuli =



For the t-test that I



The t-value (to 2 decimal places) =



The (number of) degrees of freedom =



The exact p-value (to 3 decimal places) =



Is the test statistically significant? (Delete as needed)

Yes / No

(c) In a single sentence, provide a description of what information is conveyed by the

confidence interval that you obtained in part (a). Your description should be specific to the variable that was analysed. [3 marks]

(d) In a single sentence, provide a conclusion for the t-test that you conducted in part (b).

Your conclusion should be specific to the mean difference that was analysed. (You should not repeat statistics from the above table when giving your conclusion.) [3 marks]

(e)  For the t-test you performed in part (b) above, write down (in words rather than symbols) the null hypothesis and a suitable (non-directional) alternate hypothesis. Your two

hypotheses should be written in a way that is specific to the data for this study (i.e., include appropriate names of variables, scores, or conditions). [6 marks]

Question C2 [18 marks available]

Your task is to analyse and report the data, reporting it in the form of a Results section for a  psychology research report. Your Results section should include the descriptive statistics that are relevant to the investigation of the mean difference in change scores between the

conditions, as well as the results of an appropriate t-test. Marks are awarded for the

appropriateness of the content, clarity and structure of your Results section; as well as for the suitable use of reporting conventions in your Results section.

Results Section (type here):

Question C3 [21 marks available]

For each feature that you identify:

(A) State what feature you have identified, giving the line number(s) where Zajonc and Sales (1966) mention this feature.

(B) Briefly (but clearly) describe the nature of the confounding that could have occurred if   this feature had not been included in the design. (You may use an example of a potential confounding variable as part of this answer.)

(C) Briefly (but clearly) explain how the design feature controls for (or limits the potential for) a confounding variable.

You should aim to identify three different features. That is, the best answers will not simply  comment on the same feature three times with three separate examples of how this feature  

served to control for confounding variables. If your features are too similar to each other, you will not be able to achieve full marks.  

(i) Feature 1 (feature + potential for confounding + how potential for confounding is controlled)

(ii) Feature 2 (feature + potential for confounding + how potential for confounding is controlled)

(ii) Feature 3 (feature + potential for confounding + how potential for confounding is controlled)