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BUSI1067 Computer in Business 2023-2024


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BUSI1067 Computer in Business 2023-2024

Summary of Content

This module will introduce the use of computers and IT in business today and in particular spreadsheet modeling via a lab-based assessment and a case study group report and presentation.

Education Aims

To provide participants with a solid understanding of the application and impact of computers and the Internet, especially in small businesses. To ensure a hands-on competence in the use of spreadsheets.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

This module develops a knowledge and understanding of:

• The use of accounting and other information systems for planning, control, and decision-making

• The development, management, application and implementation of information systems and their impact upon organisations

• The comprehension and use of relevant communications for application in business and management, including the use of digital tools

Intellectual skills

This module develops:

• The ability to analyse and evaluate a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies, which includes the need for strong digital literacy, and to use that research for evidence-based decision-making

Professional practical skills

This module develops:

• Numeracy and quantitative skills to manipulate data, evaluate, estimate and model business problems, functions and phenomena • People management, to include communications, team building, leadership and motivating others

Transferable (key) skills

This module develops:

• Communication and listening including the ability to produce clear, structured business communications in a variety of media

• An awareness of the interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiating, persuasion and presentation and their use in generating business contacts

• Self-management and a readiness to accept responsibility and flexibility, to be resilient, self- starting and appropriately assertive, to plan, organise and manage time

• Ability to work with people from a range of cultures

• Articulating and effectively explaining information

• Building and maintaining relationships

• Ability to work collaboratively and an awareness of mutual interdependence

Assessment Details


Contribution to the Module: 50%

Deadline for submission: 23 Nov 2023, Thursday, 3 pm

Word count: 2500-3000 words (excluding cover page, table of contents, references)

You are required to work in a group of six. Your coursework needs to be submitted electronically by one person from your group. Please see the Assessment Handbook for further details. Each group member will receive the same mark for the coursework and hence, is expected to contribute a good effort to his/her group assignment. Students are encouraged to resolve any problems within their group before approaching the module convenor. When an unequal mark allocation is requested, this must be justified by the students and supported by appropriate evidence. No case for an unequal allocation of marks from any group member can be considered once coursework has been marked.


1. Select a Chinese company in the industry of Hospitality and Tourism (it can be one of the hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, and other tourism services that provide accommodations, dining, and entertainment services, for example, Jinjiang International Hotels, Yunhaiyao Yunnan cuisine, Wanda Theme Parks). Imagine that you are recruited as the staff in a business IT consulting team that specialises in helping organisations leverage IT to improve efficiency, streamline processes, and achieve their strategic goal. Next, imagine that your selected company approached your team to perform the following analysis.

2. Perform an online search and write a short introduction about this company (provide 3-5 references from different sources) (200-300 words).

3. Analyse how digital technologies played a role in the business operations of other companies in the same field (provide 3-5 references) (700-800 words).

4. Describe two different weaknesses/limitations of this business (from the customer’s perspective), with evidence (attach the evidence in the appendix), such as user feedback on social media. Explain how these weaknesses can potentially influence/have impacted the business operations (500-600 words).

5. Propose a practical solution (with the use of digital technologies and make sure that you include the major topics covered in this module) to overcome these limitations or weaknesses (900-1000 words).

6. Write a reflection on one part of this coursework that you have the least confidence in and how you can improve it in the future. (200-300 words).

7. Prepare a 10-minute presentation (followed by a 5-minute Q&A session). Each group member's role is up to the group to decide. All groups are allowed to decide each member’s role and choose a suitable presentation timeslot (from the presentation sign-up sheet on Moodle).

You should prepare and submit your coursework in the following format:

Font: Verdana

Font size: 11 points

Spacing: 1.5 spaced

Referencing: Harvard citation style


• Semester week 5 (12 Oct 2023), Thursday, 3 pm - Complete the group members sign-up sheet on Moodle (after this, students who have not signed up will be assigned to a group with fewer than six members).

• Semester week 5 (12 Oct 2023), Thursday, 3 pm - Complete the presentation timeslot sign-up sheet on Moodle (please choose a timeslot that all members can attend).

• Semester week 11 (23 Nov 2023), Thursday, 3.00 pm – Submit your group assignment report to the submission link on Moodle (ONE submission per group), in Microsoft Word file format (.docx) using this naming convention, CIB_ (for example: CIB_Group1).

• Semester week 12 (27 Nov -1 Dec 2023) – Group presentation week

Please take note of the following:

• Technical difficulties encountered by students very close to the deadline time will not be accepted as a reason for approving ECs for lateness.

• Only Coursework submitted on Moodle will be marked.

• A deduction of 5% off the mark achieved shall be imposed upon the expiry of the deadline and an additional 5% per subsequent 24-hour period until the mark reaches zero. Except in exceptional circumstances, late submission penalties will apply unless a claim for extenuating circumstances is made before the deadline.


Contribution to the Module: 50%

Deadline for submission: 14 Dec 2023, Thursday, 3 pm


Imagine that in your business IT consulting team, you are assigned to plan for the budget for organising an IT skills enhancement workshop for the employee of your selected company. It needs to be done by creating an Excel spreadsheet with 4 worksheets: dashboard, expenses, pivot table, summary.

Your Excel spreadsheet should allow the following:

1. Users can enter the input values, such as selecting the total number of days from a dropdown list to calculate the total budget of the workshop or type a keyword to search for the record of workshop participants (in the expenses worksheet).

2. Users can change the costs or quality of each item to adjust the budget (in the expenses worksheet).

3. Users can see the total cost of each category of budget and make some comparisons between different categories for decision-making (in the pivot table worksheet).

4. Users can filter (hide/unhide) some details from different categories to view the results in charts/graphs (in the dashboard worksheet).

5. Users can obtain the analysed result for the three scenarios you create (in the expense worksheet). The examples of the scenarios are:

o How much they can spend in each category based on different scenarios, such as low-cost budget, standard cost budget, and high-cost budget.

o How many percent of difference in the total cost between the scenarios of with lunch and without lunch.

o How much per set should the lunch cost be reduced if the workshop trainer cost increases by 10%?

You might need to search online to learn about the expense items to consider when creating a budget. Your Excel spreadsheet should allow you to showcase many of your technical skills, but you must include at least the following:

• data formatting and layout design

• charts

• calculation formula

• pivot table

In the summary worksheet, you need to write a summary to describe how you build this Excel spreadsheet and explain why you think it can help enhance the efficiency of the workshop budget planning (800-1000 words).


Semester week 14 (14 Dec 2023), Thursday, 3 pm – submit your spreadsheet model to the submission link on Moodle, in Microsoft Excel file format (.xlsx or .xls) using this naming convention, CIB_ (for example: CIB_2012345).

Please take note of the following:

• Technical difficulties encountered by students very close to the deadline time will not be accepted as a reason for approving ECs for lateness.

• Only Coursework submitted on Moodle will be marked.

• A deduction of 5% off the mark achieved shall be imposed upon the expiry of the deadline and an additional 5% per subsequent 24-hour period until the mark reaches zero. Except in exceptional circumstances, late submission penalties will apply unless a claim for extenuating circumstances is made before the deadline.