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Computer Assignment #3


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Computer Assignment #3

Analyze the Class Data Set using SPSS to answer the questions below.

· Hand in a brief written report in PDF format, You can include snippets of tables and graphs of statistically significant results here, otherwise all other statistical output should be in the back.


· MAKE SURE you COPY/PASTE ALL relevant statistic tables so I can see what you did!


· The SPSS sections for each chapter posted on NYU Classes will be helpful, as well as the documents on Recoding variables.

· Change ALL labels to names in the output so when I look at the statistical output there is a label name, and not a number.


Independent, grouping (nominal) Variables:

Gender: 1 = female 2 = male

MaProg: I/O = 1,  General=2,  Others = 3 (Maprog = Masters Program = are they in Industrial/Organizational I/O, General program or Other Program)

Major: Psych = 1,  Business = 2,  Social Sciences = 3, Others = 4 (Major = what is their undergraduate major)

Interval and Ordinal Variables: We will treat ALL as INTERVAL for homework

DiagQuiz = Diagnostic quiz score 1(low) – 100 (high) math diagnostic quiz

SPSSEXP = How much experience do you have with SPSS? Scale of 1(low) to 10 (high)

GREMath – Math score on the standardized portion 0f the GRE test 0-1000

MathFear = How much fear of math do you have? 0 (low) to 10 (high)

How much do you like Statistics? 0 (low) to 10 (high)

Height = in inches

Age = years

Commute = Time in Minutes to commute to work

BeforePrepCourse = 0 (low) to 10 (high) proficiency in statistics before taking a preparation course

AfterPrepCourse = 0 (low) to 10 (high) proficiency in statistics after taking a preparation course

1. You want to determine whether Diagnostic Quiz is related to Math Fear Rating (30 points, 10 points each)

a) What can you say about the relationship between these two variables when you run a Pearson’s correlation? Write this up using the APA template.

b) What Diagnostic Quiz score is predicted for a student who rates his fear of math as a 9? Use the regression formula. (Write out the formula for a line)

c) Create a scatterplot of the data for the relationship between these two variables.

2. Run a MULTIPLE regression model to see if both SPSS Experience along with Diagnostic Quiz can predict Math Fear Rating (DV).

a. Is the regression significant? Use anything less than <.06 as significant for this question.

b. Write out the results APA style if it is significant, otherwise mention it is not.

c. Write out in English what the slope of SPSS Experience and Diagnostic Quiz mean. In other words, what are the Beta Coefficients (make sure to use the standardized ones!) and interpret them -- what do they mean?

d. Look at the t tests and each Beta coefficient and tell me which, if any, is a better predictor and HOW you know which one is a better predictor.

e. What is R Squared? What is Adj. R Squared? What does this tell you? Which should you use?

f. Make sure you run the multicollinearity diagnostics – you need to check this off in OPTIONS when running.  What does this tell you? Is there multicollinearity in this model and how do you know if yes or if no?

g. Write out the regression equation (formula for a line) with the TWO variables above.  (35 Points)

3. Create a new grouping variable, MathFearGroup, in which group “1” (low fear) is defined as having Math phobia as LOW from values 0-2; group “2” (moderate fear) is defined as having Math phobia as MODERATE, from values 3 to 4; and group “3” (high fear) is defined as having Math phobia as HIGH with values greater than 4. Don't forget to add appropriate value labels to the new grouping variable. (35 points, 9 points each)

a) First, Run the One Way Independent Samples ANOVA with the grouping variable MathFearGroup you just created as the IV and determine whether fear of math (Low, Moderate, High) effects statistics liking and diagnostic quiz. YOU ARE RUNNING 2 one way ANOVAS.

b) For both one way ANOVA’s :

 Check off Estimate Effect size for Overall Tests below the Factor Box .

1. In the Options Box for the ANOVA check off:

a. Descriptives

b. HOV test

c. Welch test

d. What does the Homogeneity test tell you?

e. Do you need to use the Welch test ANOVA or can you use the regular ANOVA?

f. Report the results of any test that is significant at the .05 level using the APA Format template.

4.  Go back to the one way ANOVA and under Post Hoc, check off LSD and Tukey.

a. Which of the MathFear Groups differ for diagnostic quiz?

b. Which of the MathFear Groups differ for stats liking?

c. Which post-hoc test is most preferable for these two variables– Tukey or LSD and explain why. If it does not make a difference also explain why.