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Managerial Accounting Winter Term 2023


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Module: Understanding Customers & Markets

Part: Managerial Accounting

Winter Term 2023

1. Questions                                                                                 (25 points)

You are asked to compare the following companies: Bayer and Merck

Please elaborate on the investment attractiveness of Bayer and Merck. Your analysis should be based on  the  analysis  of the financial statements from 2022, which are supplied with the assessment instructions.

Make sure to answer the following questions:

(1)  How will you compare the two companies?

(2)  If you could invest in one stock, which stock would it be?

(3)  What are the reasons for your decision?

2. Calculation of Ratios                                                                (20 points)

For your  analysis,  please  calculate  the  following  ratios  and  include  them  in  your  argument  for  the questions above.




1. Profitability ratios

Gross Margin



EBIT Margin



Net Profit Margin



Return on Equity (ROE)



R&D to net sales



Return on capital employed (ROCE)



2. Solvency ratios

Leverage Ratio(Debt to Equity Ratio)



Debt to Total Assets



Asset turnover



3. Liquidity ratios

Quick Ratio



Liquidity Level 1 Ratio



Liquidity Level 2 Ratio



Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)



Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO)



Days Payables Outstanding (DPO)



Cash Conversion Cycle



3. Format                                    (10 points)

The format of the term paper will also receive points. If the style of writing and presentation is very good, and the content is organized, full points will be awarded. Deductions will be applied for an   unorganized structure, writing and presentation.