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HIST 1700: American History FINAL EXAM


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HIST 1700: American History


Write a minimum six-page paper typed, double spaced, use 12-point type size, one-inch margins and be sure to add a cover page and bibliography page. The paper must be properly formatted, and all sources must be cited using MLA, APA or Chicago style formatting. You can find these style guides on the Marriott Library website http://campusguides.lib.utah.edu/style, or hard copies are available in book form in the Knowledge Commons (Level 2) of the Marriott Library or at the Reserve Desk. If you require additional help, please schedule an on-line or in-person appointment with the University Writing Center https://writingcenter.utah.edu/ prior to the due date. College level writing is expected. Please check grammar and spelling prior to submission.

Papers without a cover page and citations will not be accepted.

Answer each essay question with a minimum of 2 pages. Each question must be answered with clarity, detail and address each part of each question. Your sources should include the textbook, primary source documents, supplemental readings in the weekly modules, and class notes only. Outside sources are not permitted. Quotes should be limited to direct quotes from historical figures/documents and no more than 1-2 sentences. Each essay must include two separate sources. Please see me or email with any questions.

All papers will be run through a plagiarism / AI detection tool. Any instances of plagiarism or AI/ChatGPT will result in an automatic “0” for the assignment and will be reported.

Upload your Final Exam to Canvas by the due date and time indicated in Canvas. Late submissions will not be accepted.

1. Describe the events and acts/policies that led to the United States entrance into World War II. How did the U.S. mobilize its economy, society, and labor force? Briefly describe America’s “secret weapon.” From 1933-1945 the Nazi German regime and its allies murdered six million European Jews and others they considered “undesirables.” Based on your reading from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, describe the Holocaust, how it ended, and conclude with a brief summary of the survivor testimony that you read (be sure to include the survivor’s name). Why is it important to continue sharing the history of the Holocaust?

2. What was the Cold War? Describe three of the major events that took place during the Cold War era. Describe some of the lasting effects or legacies of the Cold War?

3. During the Civil Rights era, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X emerged as leaders of this prominent movement. Describe each leader and their differing beliefs and methods to bring about racial equality. Describe two major pieces of legislation passed in the 1960s as a result of the Civil Rights Movement. Select another group influenced by the Civil Rights Movement and describe their demands and how they made their voices heard.