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Building Useable Software (34208, 34210, 34206, 36987) Assignment 3


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Building Useable Software

(34208, 34210, 34206, 36987)

Assignment 3 (10%)

Deadline: 07-Dec-2023

1 Project Management and Reflection

You are required to critically reflect on your experience in defining and managing a software engineering project.

A. Project Reflection (8%)

1. For the design of your proposed system, you have followed a sequential approach (e.g., waterfall), including requirement gathering, analysis, system design, etc. Consider now the possibility of transition-ing to a more interactive methodology, such as Agile. Reflect on the potential benefits and drawbacks of adopting Agile for your specific project, and analyse how this shift might impact the design and development of the your system.

2. Imagine that you interviewed stakeholders to collect requirements for your software project, but in the requirement analysis stage you realised that some of the requirements were highly subjective, unrealistic, and even inconsistent. To mitigate these issues, what other requirement elicitation technique will you use to ensure comprehensive technical requirements? Justify your answer in a maximum of 300 words.

3. As part of Assignment 1 - task A, you defined a list of non-functional requirements for your software project; could you suggest TWO additional non-functional requirements that should be considered for your system. Briefly describe in a maximum of 300 words how these additional requirements could affect the design, performance, and overall quality of your software system.

4. In addition to the formal review of requirements with stakeholders, what other mechanism(s) could you use to ensure that the requirements are complete, consistent, accurate, and feasible? Reflect on the effectiveness of the selected validation process in ensuring the quality of requirements.

5. As part of Assignment 2 - Task B, you used different UML diagrams to model, design, and document your software system. Suppose that you have the opportunity to redesign your system, select THREE UML diagrams that would be most beneficial for designing and developing this new version of the system. Provide a brief description of how various stakeholders (e.g., developers, designers, project managers, clients, etc.) could benefit from your diagram selection (maximum 300 words).

6. In light of the rapid advancements in Generative AI and Machine Learning techniques, can you elaborate on how certain features or functionalities of your system could benefit from enhancement? Provide specific examples to illustrate your ideas in a maximum of 300 words. Note that to get high marks, you need to come up with interesting and specific cases instead of common ones, like a customer support chatbot.

B. Skills and Lessons Learned (2%)

Describe the lessons you learned in the project by answering the following questions (max 300 words).

- What skills did you gain during the development of the proposed project?

- What are the four most significant lessons you have learned during this software project? Identify both positive and negative lessons.

2 Submission

This submission is individual and must be a single PDF document. Assignment 3 should be submitted on Canvas by December 7th, 2023 at 17:00 (UK time). The deliverable is assessed according to the criteria set out in Canvas.

Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that the work has been successfully submitted in electronic format and can be opened on any computer. If it cannot be opened, it will not be marked.

3 Important Notes

Late Submission Policy: If work is submitted late and no extension has been granted, then a penalty of 5% on the actual achievement mark should be imposed for each day the assignment is late until 0 is reached, for example, a mark of 67% would become 62% on day one, 57% on day two, etc. Days counted should not include weekends, public holidays, and university closed days. (Submission Policy)

Plagiarism and Generative AI: Generative AI is a rapidly developing technology, and there is still much to learn about the use of the tools effectively and ethically. Because of this, the University is committed to protecting academic integrity, ensuring that the work submitted for evaluation remains the student’s. The University Code of Practise for Academic Integrity sets out what plagiarism is and provides examples of academic misconduct. (Plagiarism Policy) and (GenAI Policy)