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MGT3314 Strategic Management


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MGT3314 Strategic Management

Group Presentation: Oral Presentation Briefing

1. Presentation Requirement

Group presentations weight 20% of the overall module mark. Please read and follow the instructions closely:

•    These are 10-minute presentations done in groups of three to five on the analysis   of the external environments and the industry environments of an industry plus a 5- minute Q&A at the end.

•     Please refer to the ‘marking criteria’ below for detailed info on what is to be assessed.

•     Presentation group formation, industry choice and presentationslot allocation will be finalised using the booking system on the Module page. Should you require

changing the timing, you will need to discuss and swap with another group.

A copy of the presentation slides you will be presenting must be submitted online in the presentation folder before your presentation is due.

•     It is imperative that you do not miss your scheduled presentation. Any special

circumstances should be reported at the first instance to the Module leader, which may allow you tore-sit following university regulations.

•    You are not expected to must dress formally (though you can) but you are required to present in a professional manner.

The group presentations are oral presentations; and each group member should be

allocated equal amount of workload to reflect fairness as well as independent and group efforts.

2. Assessment Criteria

All presentations will be assessed along four categories of criterion – Content, Delivery, Teamwork, Response to Questions. Details of each criterion areas follows:

a) CONTENT (50%): This includes everything that appears on the slides, and what is

spoken. It is expected that the slides will be made to a high standard. We do not

expect long sentences on the slides – just bullet points. Graphs, tables, figures and

charts are all welcome and they add to the quality of the presentation. Do ensure to use in-text citations. What is spoken on each slide must be more than what appears  on the slide – you are not expected to ONLY read what is written on the slide.

Indeed, what you speak must add to what appears on the slide. The content must be analytical (i.e. integration of analysis/evaluation with case data to draw justified conclusions).

b) DELIVERY (30%): A good delivery will be smooth, confident and flawless. This can be achieved by practicing the delivery several times during preparation, where typically a   good presentation is preceded by five practice sessions.

c) TEAMWORK (10%): The presentation must appear as a teamwork and not as

disparate presentations somehow put together. This requires careful thought about who will say what as well as a careful distribution of slides.

d) RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS (10%): You are expected to respond knowledgably about issues that arise from your presentation. Of course you may not know everything about your presentation topic – in which case it is a good idea to admit so -but to the best of   your ability you should try to be well informed about the chosen topic.

Please note: feedback and marks will be released after all presentations are carried out.

Presentations are assessed on a group basis whereby marks will only be given to members   who present. Missing presentation by individual members without having good reasons will not be given any marks – this does not affect the marks of other members who presented.

MGT3314 Strategic Management

Group Presentation (20%) Assessment Criteria

Case presented:

Name of Presenters:

These will be assessed along four categories of criteria – Content, Delivery, Teamwork, Response to Questions. Each component carries different weights. Details of each criterion are:

Marking criteria (based on maximum 100%)

Mark for each component


CONTENT (50%): This includes everything that appears on the slides and what is spoken. It is expected that the slides will be

made to a high standard. We do not expect long paragraphs on the. Graphs, tables, figures and charts are all welcome and they add to the quality of the presentation. Do ensure to use in-text

citations. What is spoken on each slide must be more than what appears on the slide – you are not expected to ONLY read what is written on the slide. The content must be analytical (i.e.

integration of analysis/evaluation with case data to draw justified conclusions).

(50% = excellent; 1% = extremely poor)

DELIVERY (30%): A good delivery will be smooth, confident and flawless. This can be achieved by practicing the delivery several times during preparation, where typically a good

presentation is preceded by five practice sessions.

(30% = excellent; 1% = extremely poor)

TEAMWORK (10%): The presentation must appear as a

teamwork and not as disparate presentations somehow put

together. This requires careful thought about who will say what as well as a careful distribution of slides.

(10% = excellent; 1% = extremely poor)

RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS (10%): You are expected to respond knowledgably about issues that arise from your

presentation. Of course, you may not know everything about

your presentation topic – in which case it is a good idea to admit so -but to the best of your ability you should try to be well

informed about the chosen topic.

(10% = excellent; 1% = extremely poor)

Assessor (group ID):


Mark (first marker):

Mark (second marker):

Overall mark: