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CS2311 Computer Programming 2022/23 Semester A Assignment III


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CS2311 Computer Programming

2022/23 Semester A

Assignment III

Due Date: 2 Dec 2022 (Friday) 23:59

.    This assignment contains ONE question with Two parts. You are required to submit a complete C++ program ( .cpp only) for each part on PASS before the deadline.

.    You can submit as many times as you want before the deadline, and we will grade your latest version.

.    Only  a  small  set  of the  test  cases  are  visible  for  the  testing,  and  a  more comprehensive set of test cases will be used for grading. In other word, passing all the visible test cases does not mean that you can get full mark for this assignment. Try your best to thoroughly test your program. Hidden test cases will not be released.

.    The marking of each question is based on the percentage of the total test cases that your solution can pass. If your submitted solution leads to a compilation error on PASS, zero mark will be given to that question and no manual checking to your solution is provided in such a case.

. No late submission will be accepted. ALL submission should be on PASS.

. Plagiarism check will be performed.

.    You should ONLY use the library  and . You are

NOT ALLOWED to use objects from .

In this assignment, you will write a C++ program that can perform a simple UNO game (a kind of card game) under the following encoding scheme.

There are two parts in this encoding scheme. The first part aims to initialize a sequence of cards which will be used for playing the simple UNO game. The second part is playing the simple UNO game.

Part A. Initializing a Sequence of Cards

Your first task is to write a program that can initialize a sequence of cards, which is used for playing the simple UNO game. The program takes one integer from the user and it is the seed for the card sequence generation. As shown in the following Table1, the value of seed is from 1 to 20, and each seed corresponds to one specific sequence. Then it prints the entire sequence of cards. We provide a skeleton of code in the file asg3_skeleton_partA.cpp, and you need to complete the program.

Now to begin, a card has three attributes: color, value and number. There are 4 colors with their corresponding values: Red with value 1, Yellow with value 2, Blue with value 3 and Green with value 4. There are 9 numbers: the integers from 1 to 9. A card is combined with one color and one number randomly, such as Red3, Yellow3, Blue7 and Green 1.

A class called Card is provided in the skeleton code, with the above attributes defined as private members. Color is a pointer to char, i.e., char *,or equivalently cstrings. Some access function prototypes are also defined. There is also a prototype of the default constructor. You need to implement these access functions and the default constructor in order to complete the class definition of Card.

To initialize a sequence of cards, you need to implement one function. A sequence is simply   an    array    of   Card  objects    as    you   can    see    in    main(). The initSequence(Card* cardSeq, char colorName[][10], int* j, int* num) is the function to initialize the sequence of cards. For one sequence, there are 6 cards. When you create each card, you should first set its value and its color according to the value as shown in Table1. Then, combining the color with the number, you can get a card. Note that the sequence is passed to the function as a pointer (Card *), and you should not change this.

We provide a help function called printSequence which simply takes the sequence (again as a pointer) and prints each Card object sequentially. This is called in main() to check output of your code.


1.   Based on skeleton code, complete the class definition of Card.

2.   You are not allowed to delete any part of the skeleton code.

3.   Do not add / move attributes or member functions.

4.   Finish all the default constructor or functions.

5.   Table1 is shown below.



Card Sequence


Yellow9 Blue5 Yellow2 Blue1 Blue3 Yellow3


Yellow3 Blue3 Red4 Blue8 Yellow2 Yellow2


Red6 Blue2 Green7 Blue5 Yellow1 Yellow1


Green9 Green9 Yellow1 Green3 Red9 Yellow9


Blue2 Green6 Red3 Green1 Red7 Blue8


Blue5 Green5 Blue7 Red8 Red6 Blue7


Yellow8 Green3 Yellow1 Red5 Green5 Blue6


Red1 Green9 Green4 Yellow3 Green3 Blue5


Red5 Green7 Blue6 Yellow1 Blue2 Blue4


Green7 Red6 Yellow9 Blue7 Blue1 Blue3


Blue1 Red4 Green3 Blue5 Blue8 Blue2


Yellow4 Red1 Blue6 Green2 Yellow7 Blue1


Yellow6 Red9 Red8 Green9 Yellow6 Blue9


Red9 Red7 Green3 Green6 Red5 Blue8


Green3 Red5 Yellow6 Red4 Red4 Green7


Blue6 Yellow3 Red9 Red2 Green2 Green6


Blue8 Yellow1 Green2 Yellow9 Green1 Green5


Yellow2 Yellow8 Yellow5 Yellow6 Green9 Green4


Red5 Yellow7 Red8 Blue4 Blue8 Green3


Green7 Yellow4 Blue1 Blue2 Blue7 Green2

Expected Outcomes:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Part B: Playing the Simple UNO Game

Extend your program in Part A, so it can play the simple UNO game with you as the only      player.      We      provide       a      skeleton       of      code      in       the      file asg3_skeleton_partB.cpp, and you need to complete the program.

The game is follows. At first, the program asks the user to input the seed for the card sequence generation. It initializes a sequence of cards which are your cards, just like the part A. Then the game starts.

In the first round, the default function in skeleton code will call the function you designed in part A and initialize following specific sequence of cards for computer ([Red1 Green9 Green4 Yellow3 Green3 Blue5]). Then the computer will show you the first card in its sequence (the first card will be removed from the computer’s card sequence since it has been shown).

In the second round, the program will ask you to enter two integers to represent the card you play: one is the value from 1 to 4 and the other is the number from 1 to 9. But there are three rules for your input. First, the card you play must within the card sequence you generated before the game starts. Second, this card will be removed from the sequence after you play it. Third, the card you play must be either the same color or number as the computer played in the last round. After you play the card, the program will print your remaining card sequence.

In the third round, the computer will play a card which also follows the three rules mentioned above. First, the card that computer plays must within the card sequence it generated at the first round. Second, this card will be removed from the computer’s card sequence after the computer plays it. Third, the card that the computer plays must be either the same color or number as you played in the last round. You should design the logic code for computer to help it achieve this step: the computer should choose the first suitable card in its card sequence as its strategy.

In the fourth round, the process will be the same as the second round.

In the fifth round, the process will be the same as the third round.

The game will end if one of these conditions are met: (1) There is no suitable card for you to play and you lose. (2) There is no suitable card for the computer to play and you win. (3) All the cards (yours and the computer’s) are suitably played and gets a draw.

Some sample runs of the game are shown below. Note your program output should be exactly the same as the sample output below when using the same seed.


1.   Refer to the Notes of Part A.

2.   You may add new member functions to Card and new non-member functions to the program.

3.   If there is no suitable card for you to play, please input 0 0 and then the game will end (you will lose in this case). Otherwise, if you input any card that does not satisfy the three basic rules, you still lose.

4.   If there are some suitable cards (satisfy the three basic rules) for you to play, but you do not play any one of them, you will lose.

5.   The operation of removing one card from the sequence can be realized by using a flag. For example, “flag == 0” indicates that this card is still in the sequence.

6.   Please use common sense to understand this game. Don’t consider rules not mentioned in this question, such as some of the more complex UNO games in the daily life.

7.   If all the cards (yours and the computer’s) are suitably played and get a draw, the program will output "Game ends. A draw".

Expected Outcomes:

Example 1:

Example 2:


Example 4: