关键词 > CS410

CS 410: Homework 3


Due: Friday, Dec. 20, 2019 at noon 100 pts

Instructions: Create a subdirectory named "hw3" in your cs410 directory. Use that subdirectory for your all file submissions on this assignment. At the end of the homework assignment, these two files should be found in your hw3 directory:

1. a single C++ compilable file containing a program written in C++ named “hw3.cpp”

2. a “typescript” file demonstrating program compilation, execution and testing. Use the commands below at the UNIX prompt to generate the typescript file in this order:
script command to start a typescript.
ls -l to list files in your directory and write date/time
cat hw3.cpp to print out solution file
g++ -o hw3 hw3.cpp to compile program
./hw3 to execute program
exit command to end typescript file
In this homework, you will implement your own version of the QUEUE data structure. A skeleton code has been provided. Your job is to write code for each of the methods declared so that the finished program emulates the FIFO nature of the QUEUE data structure. The array to be used has already been defined in the code provided. DO NOT EDIT the main() and the method names. Your codes will be tested for the correct functionality of the methods.


Once you are done and you run your complete code, the prompt should like this:
MyQueue is: 1 13 8 34 3 5 1 55 2 21
0 - Exit.
1 - enqueue Item.
2 - dequeue Item.
3 - Display Items (Print MyQueue).
4 - Display Items in Sorted Order (Ascending).
Enter your choice:
At the prompt:
Select 1, then try to insert 2. You should get the notification: MyQueue is FULL.
Select 2 three times to dequeue 3 items
Select 3 at which point you get this: MyQueue is: 34 3 5 1 55 2 21
Select 2 to dequeue until your array becomes empty and you get this notification: MyQueue IS EMPTY.
Select 1 as many times as would allow you to enqueue the following: 1, 13, 8, 34, 3, 5, 1, 55, 2, 21
Select 3 to display your queue: MyQueue is: 1 13 8 34 3 5 1 55 2 21
Select 4 to sort your queue: MyQueue is: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55