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EMS604U Optimal design of thermal powerplants


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EMS604U- Coursework

Coursework: Optimal design of thermal powerplants

This CW holds 40% of the total assessment of the module and contains parts I and II with equal weights.

The coursework involves detailed design of two thermal powerplants and downstream processes with the aim of maximising the efficiencies and minimisation of CO2 emissions.

Note: If you are a Chemical Engineering Student, you only need to complete part 2 of this coursework.

If you are a Mechanical / Sustainable Energy Engineering student, you need to complete either part 1 or part 2 of this coursework.

If you want to submit two parts, you should specify which part is the primary and which one is secondary. The mark for the secondary part will be rewarded as a bonus.

Part I:

Design a steam cycle that can achieve a cycle efficiency of at least 40 percent under the conditions that all turbines have isentropic efficiencies of 85 percent, and all pumps have isentropic efficiencies of 60 percent. Prepare an engineering report describing your design. This must include, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Discussion of various cycles attempted to meet the goal as well as the positive and negative aspects of your design.

(b) System figures and T-s diagrams with labelled sates and temperature, pressure, enthalpy and entropy information for your design.

(c) Sample calculations.

Note: the whole report for this part must not exceed 8 pages.

Part II:

Exhaust gases from the turbine of a simple Brayton cycle are quite hot and may be used for other thermal purposes. One proposed use is generating saturated steam at 110℃ from water at 30℃ in a boiler. This steam will be distributed to several buildings on a college campus for space heating. A Brayton cycle with a pressure ration of 6 is to be used for this purpose. Plot the followings.

(a) The mechanical power produced,

(b) the flow rate of the produced steam,

(c) the maximum cycle temperature, all as functions of the rate at which heat is added to the cycle.

(d) Provide sample calculations

Note that the temperature at the turbine inlet is not to exceed 2000℃ and your report must not be longer than 8 pages.