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ARCH7161 Advanced Structures and Construction 2023 Assignment 2


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ARCH7161 Advanced Structures and Construction 2023


This assignment contributes 60% to the overall course mark.

Working alone and with the approval of your tutor, select a public building of a height equivalent to at  least two levels above ground, the design of which you undertook in either a recent past studio or are undertaking in a concurrent studio (ARCH7113). You will need to have some reasonably developed architectural drawings.


The building needs to incorporate some challenging structure with ONE or more of the following features:

.    A significantly loaded span of 10 metres or more.

.    A significantly loaded cantilever of 3 metres or more.

.    A clear roof span of 18 metres or more.

.    The use of designed-element timber as the principal above-ground structure.

.    30% or more of the plant is situated over water.

.    An internal void of height 8 metres or more.

.    A basement foundation of at least two levels below ground.

The assignment is divided into two parts.

a)   Structural system development and analysis

With the assistance of your tutor, identify one significant structural system which incorporates one or more of the features above – this will form the focus of your structural analysis. If your chosen studio design has none of the features mentioned above, you may, with the assistance of your tutor, modify the design to meet or exceed one or more of those conditions. You are required to undertake the following tasks:

.    By using some hand-drawn structural idealisation diagrams, describe how the entire building achieves lateral stability under wind load.

.    Focusing on the significant system only; quantify the gravity loads acting on that system and use Multiframe to analyse it rigorously for strength and serviceability.

.    Using the Multiframe analysis, estimate the size of the significant system’s structural elements to meet both strength and service requirements (or revise your existing member sizes to achieve a feasible outcome) .

b)   Constructional integration and detailing

Provide some technical documentation drawings which demonstrate the development of your façade system design and construction assembly. These detailed drawings will demonstrate your understanding offaçade typology and how the façade design addresses issues of watertightness, thermal bridging and movement. In addition, you will need to provide a detail of the connection of the significant structural system you designed in this assignment.


a)   Structural system development and analysis

This is divided into two parts, analysis of structural system to resist i) lateral load and ii) gravity.

i)        Overall structure to resist lateral load.

Demonstrate the building’s overall resistance to wind and earthquakes by identifying the systems which will resist lateral load in the most adverse direction. Show how those systems resist lateral load using system, load-path and action effect diagrams for wind on one side. You may think it necessary to add bracing or other components to assist lateral stability (see below for presentation requirements).

ii)       Significant system to resist gravity.

From your architectural drawings of a suitable part of the building, identify one (usually two dimensional) significant structural system which receives gravity loads (long-span roof or floor structures, transfer slab, portal frame, main truss, arch, cantilever etc. as listed above). Analyse this system for gravity loads in some detail. Note that we do not require the entire building to be rigorously analysed for gravity loads - only the significant system.

.    First, idealise the significant system for gravity using hand-drawn diagrams: System, Load-path and Action effect.

.    Then use Multiframe to model the system under realistic estimates of load , factored for

both “Strength” and “Service” cases (W* & Ws). Knowing material mass and estimating

member sizes, load-widths and /or contributing areas from the building geometry, arrive at

values for Dead Load (G) and an appropriate Live Load (Q) which suits the building’s use (the   loading code AS1170.1 will guide the choice of live load but generally 3kPa or more). For dead load, it is appropriate to estimate concrete slabs as being 200mm thick (that is, a floor area

dead load of 24 kN/m^3 x 0.2m = 4.8kN/m^2). For many public buildings, an appropriate

design live load (Q) is 3.0 kN/m^2. (See background lecture, Strength and Serviceability).

Note that linear elements (beams under floor load and columns under wind load) will feel line loads in kN/m usually derived from area loads (kN/m^2) using load widths. Columns will

transmit point loads (kN) derived from contributing areas of floors above. Factor loads for Ultimate strength; W*=1.25G+1.5Q. Factor loads for Serviceability; Ws=1.0G+0.5Q.

.    To arrive at suitable sizes for the elements, analyse the system for both cases mentioned

above. That is, first compare the action or stress caused by the ultimate load for strength (W*) with the member capacity or material strength of the trial member to ensure that the system is strong enough. Then check its deflection under the service load (Ws). In some cases, the

service deflection will govern the design. The member sizes may need to be increased to meet your chosen deflection criterion (Span / (500? 250? 1000?). You may want to compare your

sizes to those suggested by span tables.

.    For our purposes, model concrete elements in Multiframe using steel elements ~2/3 x depth of the concrete member. Having arrived at a system whose members can meet requirements for  strength and serviceability, you may need to revisit some of your architectural drawings.

b)    Constructional integration and detailing

Provide some technical documentation of the façade and the connections in the significant structural system.

i)     The façade system

Provide 1:20 technical drawings which identify the typical façade structural typology, and which

demonstrate how the façade design addresses issues of watertightness, movement  and thermal

bridging. As a mandatory requirement ( covering an area of min 4 m high x 3 m wide )  provide as a minimum:

.    One cross-section of the building's façade and part of the floors above and below a typical

space, addressing the assignment requirements for façade system.

.    One plan detail of the above.

Provide drawings at a typically 1:20 scale and which can be laid out on a larger sheet than A3 if required. A Façade Elevation (optional) may be provided.

ii)    Structural system connection and special constructional detail/s

Provide a minimum 2 details, at a scale of 1:5 or 1:10.

.    1 x structural detail of the significant structural system’s connection and/or special element (can be in section or an axo) .

.    1 special and/or critical detail (in section and plan) which demonstrates how issues such as watertightness, thermal bridging and/or movement are managed. The detail should either be    of a connection offaçade to structure or connection offaçade to intermediate storey. It can be a close-up detail from the 1:20 documentation.

These technical drawings should include dimensions with specifications to clearly identify the building’s components, materials and functions with an appropriate use of line weights and hatches. Use a grid    and accepted drawing practice to identify the location of details and sections. Use a legend and/or notes to describe members and connections.


a)    Class presentation

As a guideline and subject to discussion with your tutor, we ask that you ‘pin up’ ( but not present) the following drawings (can be monochrome or subtly coloured)  in an in-class session in Week 13 (4.12.2023) as follows:

i.       Architectural part plan and elevation(s) which identify the significant system being considered (1:100)

1 x A3 sheets

(min) – 2 x A3

sheets (max)

ii.       The significant system in section or elevation (1:50)

1 x A3 sheets


iii.       Selected hand idealisations for overall lateral stability

1x A3 sheet (min)

iv.       Selected hand and multiframe idealisations for the significant system

1x A3 sheet (min)

v.       A technical cross section and plan detail at 1: 20 of the façade system (2 drawings minimum)

2 x A3 sheet (min)

vi.       One annotated structural connection detail and one critical

constructional detail in both plan & section (minimum 2 detail drawings in total 1:10 or 1:5)

1 x A3 sheet (min)

At your tutor’s discretion you may be required to make a brief address to the group in the form of an interim presentation of your scheme as a work in progress in Week 10. The interim presentation may involve rough paper drawings or a few A3 sheets (the format will be negotiated with your tutor). If appropriate, please provide constructive feedback to your colleagues at this session.

b)    Online submission

In addition to the presentation sheets requested above in the ‘pin up session’   , an illustrated final A3 report is to be submitted which:

.    Includes the illustrations in the sheets above.

.    Describes the building’s structure, and the idealisation of its main systems.

.    Presents the structural calculations and the sizing of elements of your significant system.

.    Façade section, plan and details offaçade and structural connection system/s.