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Database Design for NeteaseCloudMusic


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Database Design for NeteaseCloudMusic

Design a database for NetEaseCloudMusic, create data tables for albums, songs, users, and comments, and each table contains a series of attributes.

Create tables Album, Song, User, Comment(2 points);

Create intermediate tables AlbumDetail, CommentDetail(1 points);

Create relationships of tables(1 points);

Write SQL to delete last song and check related tables(2 points);

Write SQL to add one song, two comments, two users(2 points);

2.3 (2 points)

2.4 (1 points)

The first part uses knowledge introduced in Lab_MS Access.pptx Upload a PPT report for every step and your database NeteaseCloudMusic.accdb

1. User interface for part 1:

1.1 First choose some albums you like to create the table Album.


1.2 Select some songs from these albums, at least one from each, to create the table Song. (>=4)

1.3 From each song, select top comments to create table Comment. (>=2 for each song, total >=8 comments)

1.4 Build table User based on the comments.

1.5 Build intermediate table AlbumDetail to record the relationship between album and song (one to many), CommentDetail table to record the relationship between comment and user and song.

1.6 Create relationships of tables like following:

2. Write SQL code for part 2:

2.1 Write SQL to delete the 4th song from table, and check the updated table Song, AlbumDetail and CommentDetail, check if the entities related to the 4th song deleted from these tables.

2.2 Write SQL: Add a new song from the existing albums to the table Song. Add two comments for this song in Comment table, and two users who wrote the comment in User table.

2.3 Print the songId, songName, comment of the song with songId=3 like following:

2.4(Optional) Print the songName with maximum comment likes.