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Analytical Report


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Assessment 1

Analytical Report – 2000 words

Assessment type:

Analytical Report (2000 words)


Friday 24th November 2022 by 12:00 (midday)

Referencing convention:

Harvard (for guidance see http://www.bathspa.ac.uk/referencing)

Submit via:

Online via the Turnitin link under the ‘Assessment’ folder on Minerva Ultra

Proportion of overall module mark:



15 working days after the submission, which will be the 15th December, 2023


Critically analyse the following statement:

“Diversity has moved away from a nice-to-have, to a must-have for companies as a strategic business imperative.”


· Use two significant case studies, ideally MNCs, with some comparable feature (same industry, size/number of employees, similar incomes etc.)

· You need to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the relevant academic literature, theoretical concepts, and practitioner information (industry regulations/standards, best and worst practice examples etc.)

· You are required to do a Critical Comparative Analysis of the Cases in order to address the above statement (link academic theories and practitioner information with a comparison of your two companies’ practices)


· It should not be more than 2,000 words in total (+/-10%) - this word limit excludes title, contents page, executive summary, and reference list

· All sources should be properly referenced using the Harvard system

Submission Details

Please note that the portal will automatically mark your work as late if you submit after 11:59 per the Turnitin UK server time and your work will be capped at 40%. You may only submit your document as an electronic copy via Turnitin using the Minerva link – this will be the document that will be marked and automatically checked for plagiarism.

You are advised to attempt submission well in advance of the deadline (ideally, 24 hours beforehand) so that any issues can be resolved in a timely manner. Any IT issues should be resolved during the working week so please check your devices. You can only upload one document, so you need to format your work into one file.

The Turnitin UK portal has a built-in originality/plagiarism checker; you will be able to see your originality ‘score’ on submission and, before the deadline, you can amend and resubmit your work if you see fit.  Once the deadline has passed, you will not be able to resubmit your work.

If you are unable to complete the assignment by the submission date and, due to extenuating circumstances, wish to request an extension, then you must contact Anca (me) as soon as you can, about your request or apply for Exceptional Circumstances.

This assignment represents 40% of the total marks for this module.

Please find below the Marking Scheme that will be used to assess your work – make sure to thoroughly read through the marking scheme and follow the guidance it provides.

Further Guidance

Based on previous very good reports here is some further guidance:

· research your companies in depth – do not rely solely on the companies’ diversity code, but research them in the news, see what events and foundations/NGOs they affiliate with, find employee testimonials about working for the company, look at their recruitment perks etc.

· pick the most important diversity issues (~2, maximum 3) that your companies excel or fail at and one/one pair of theories as your main lens; this will help you focus your research, offer more opportunity for critical analysis, and keep your observations from being too general. You should only explain your chosen theory/pair in the context of your chosen companies’ practices, don’t spend word count on general definitions.

· employ critical analysis of the practices of your companies (compare and contrast them) and make sure to link these practices to academic research: theories, journal articles, books, as well as practitioner research on best practices in the industry e.g. laws, ethics codes, other companies who have excelled.

· use the key concepts to generate solid and reliable insights into the topic with some original discoveries related to your industry/companies

· develop clear and logical arguments that create a narrative (story) which leads to relevant recommendations


Marking Scheme

0% – 39%

40% – 49%

50% – 59%

60% – 69%

70% – 84%

85% – 100%

Understanding of key Literary concepts and theories.

You do not understand the meanings of these key concepts and are unable to use them appropriately in your analysis.  There is no evidence that you have researched them.

Your understanding of these key concepts is often basic and undeveloped and there is no evidence that you made a meaningful effort to research them.  You frequently rely on lecture notes.

Your understanding of these key concepts is sound and there is some evidence of research through reading some of the principal textbooks.

You have a good understanding of these concepts with some evidence of research outside of lecture slides and the textbook.

You have a very good understanding of these concepts based upon solid efforts to research a wide range of appropriate academic and practitioner sources.

You have an excellent critical understanding of these key concepts based upon extended efforts by you to research a comprehensive range of appropriate sources

Knowledge of businesses (Cases) and their Strategy towards Diversity Management

Your knowledge of the businesses is superficial and rudimentary, and you rely on very few, inappropriate sources.

You have used some appropriate sources, but your knowledge of the businesses lacks depth and good insights.

Your knowledge of the businesses is sound but general, still lacks depth and good insights.

You have used appropriate sources and your knowledge of the businesses is good. You have researched the industry and best/worst practice examples.

You have a very good understanding of the businesses, and you are able to clearly identify their most significant features and trends.  You rely of several reliable sources.

You have an excellent understanding of the businesses, and you are able to clearly identify their most significant features and trends.  You demonstrate that you have investigated all of the most important sources.

Evaluation and critical analysis

There is no evaluation or critique in your analysis in your Report - it is entirely descriptive.

You are unable to use the key concepts appropriately and meaningfully in your critical analysis.  Your Report is therefore largely descriptive.

You are able to use the key concepts to make sense of your data, although this analysis lacks depth, criticality, and real insights.

You are able to use the key concepts to generate some good insights, but your analysis still lacks depth and criticality.

You are able to use the key concepts to generate solid and reliable insights into the topic.  Flair and a good level of skill is demonstrated in this critical analysis.

You are able to use the key concepts to generate original insights into the topic.  A high level of skill is demonstrated in this critical analysis.

Presentation and referencing

Your report lacks a sound structure and clarity, and its referencing is careless.  There are plenty of instances of poor spelling and grammar. The overall presentation is untidy and unprofessional.

Your report lacks in places a sound structure and there is some poor referencing.  There are several examples of weak spelling and grammar, and the overall presentation is uninspiring.

Your report is well structured, although it lacks clarity in places. It does not contain many spelling, grammatical and referencing errors and the overall presentation is of a good standard.

The report’s overall structure is sound, and it develops a clear and logical argument to an extent.  The spelling, grammar and referencing is good, and the overall presentation is

of a good standard.

The report’s overall structure is good, and it develops a clear and logical argument.  The spelling, grammar and referencing is good, and the overall presentation is professional.

There are no spelling, grammatical or referencing errors in the report and overall presentation is highly professional and impressive.