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COM152 Representation, Diversity and Identity Semester 1, 2023 - 2024


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COM152 Representation, Diversity and Identity

Assessment Brief – Essay

Semester 1, 2023 - 2024

Date of Submission: Monday, 18th  December 2023 at 12 Noon (China Time)

Submission method: Upload the assignment on Learning Mall

Word limit: 1,500 words (+/- 10% not including bibliography)

Reference: APA Style

Weight: 70% of the final mark for COM152

Learning Outcomes Assessed: A B C D E


Write a reflection essay on ONE of the questions below. Answer the question by reflecting on your experiences, observations, and understanding of representation, diversity, and identity.

Support your arguments with specific examples from various media sources (e.g. TV shows, films, advertisements, social media content, etc.) Apply relevant theories and concepts to analyse and discuss the question critically. The essay should reference at least 4 academic sources.

Please choose ONE from the following essay questions:

A.   Reflect on any media content you have come across (e.g. a TV programme, an Instagram posts,  etc.).  How  has  the  representation  of  marginalised  identities  such  as  LGBTQ+, ethnic   minorities,   or   people   with   disabilities   in   popular   culture   impacted   your understanding of that group?

B.    Reflect on your own media consumption and social media use. How has your perception of body image and beauty standards been influenced by the media?

C.    Reflect on your own experiences with managing online identity or identities on social media platforms. How do you curate your digital self/selves, and what factors influence your online persona(s)?

D.   Reflect on the media content you have come across (e.g. a TV programme, a film, etc.). Do you have any biases or assumptions about a particular gender, class or race that may have been influenced by these representations?

E.    Reflect on your own media use and personal consumption behaviour. How have you used brands and/or products to construct an identity for yourself?

Essay Requirements:

!    Title - Please state the question you have chosen in the title.

!    Introduction - Introduce the topic and give a general overview of the essay.

!    Body  paragraphs - Organise the  ideas/arguments  in sections and/or subsections with clearly labelled headings/subheadings.

!    Conclusion - Summarise the essay, emphasise the  main  points and  conclude with any final thoughts or takeaways.

!    Bibliography  -  Non-English  sources  can  be  used  as  long as  titles  are  translated  into English. In-text citations and bibliography should be in APA format. An assignment that does  not cite or format references correctly will  be penalised for Academic  Integrity violations according to the University and department’s regulations.

!    Appendix (Optional) – You can include a maximum of 6 visual elements or images in the appendix. Any visual elements included should be relevant to the essay, and all should be labelled and cited correctly.

Formatting guidelines:

A.    Font: Arial 12pt or Calibri 12pt

B.   Spacing: 1.5

C.   Alignment: Justified

D.   Margin: 2.54 cm Top, Bottom, Left, Right

E.    Header: Include file name - StudentID_COM152_Essay (ie. 1234567_COM152_Essay)

F.    Footer: Include page numbers

G.   Include word count at the end of the essay

H.   Title, headings, and subheadings should be in bold

I.     Images used in the essay must be in the appendix with captions and credits

J.     Please avoid writing in one long paragraph that extends over multiple pages

Submission Guidelines:

1.    XJTLU submission cover sheet (available on Learning Mall) must be attached as the first page of the assignment.

2.   The    essay    submission    file    must     be    named:    StudentID_COM152_Essay    -     ie.


3.    The essay MUST be submitted in .doc/docx format only! Please DO NOT submit the essay in any other file type.

4.    No extensions will be granted, unless in exceptional extenuating circumstances

5.    If you submit after the specified deadline  it will be counted as a late submission. Late submission will attract a 5% penalty per day. If the submission is more than 5 days late, a grade  of  0%  will  be  awarded  and  recorded  as  a  Non-submission/Fail.  Students  are responsible to check their submitted document is legible.

6.    Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be penalised according to XJTLU guidelines.

The assignment will be graded on the student’s ability to demonstrate the module’s learning outcomes below:

A.   Demonstrate a basic knowledge of various sets of theories of representation and identity

B.    Identify the power relations and hierarchies produced and reinforced in the processes of representation

C.    Examine the interplay between representation, identity, power and subjectivity

D.   Apply concepts and theories to the analysis of issues in media, culture and society

E.    Analyse diverse forms of identity, power and knowledge production in modern histories and contemporary media

Note: Please refer to the attached marking rubrics for detailed marking criteria and allocation of marks.