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COMM 351 Quiz 2 – Contingency Tables & Correlation


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COMM 351

Quiz 2 – Contingency Tables & Correlation

For this assignment you will use the sample data file on BB (Class Sample Data 1.xlsx). Your task is to perform the following steps. In completing this quiz, you should generate a new .xlsx data file that includes answers to the questions below. You must show your work for all analysis and transformations. You will turn in your codebook file and your modified excel file to the designated BB folder by Friday, 11-17)

1. Create a contingency table showing the frequencies for each value of Sport_Play for male and female students (Sport_Play by Sex)

a. Describe which category of Sport_Play has the largest difference between males and females

2. Create a contingency table showing the frequencies for each value of Sport_Watch for male and female students (Sport_Watch by Sex)

a. Describe which category of Sport_Watch has the largest difference between males and females

3. Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between Height and Basketball_Skill

a. Show work for each step