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CSC 501 - Assignment 2 (Graph Processing) Assignment 2: Graph Processing


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Assignment 2: Graph Processing

CSC 501 - Assignment 2 (Graph Processing)

Context: Dynamic Evolution of Graphs via Triadic Closure and Homophily [1]

Today's online social networks follow the same well-established social processes that occur offline. Social networks dynamically evolve and "rewire" as people form and let lapse their social connections over time. One critical trait that drives human socialisation is homophily: the tendency for people to socialise with those who are similar to them. This similarity can relate to shared biological and cultural attributes, gender, professional circumstances, and political persuasions, for example; it represents a form of choice where one chooses to associate with others due to that similarity.

Choice homophily cannot explain all social connections: one does not necessarily ever even meet those who are most similar to them. Induced homophily arises when similar people come together due to opportunity. The social process of triadic closure is the most common structural constraint responsible for this and refers to the high likelihood of becoming friends with the friends of your friends. If you consider a subgraph with just three vertices, if two edges already exist, then the third one is highly likely to exist as well.

The software simulation of Asikainen et al [1] studies how individual-level network mechanisms influence the dynamics of society as a whole. It models the dynamic evolution of graphs with an interplay between these two social processes, choice homophily and triadic closure. In the figure below we see that vertices are modelled with two types: red and blue. Starting in subfigure (A) and moving to the right (subfigures B and C), an edge is rewired based on choice homophily: the red focal node in the centre befriends another red node and then disassociates with a previous connection. Moving instead down and then to the right (subfigures D and E), an edge is rewired based on triadic closure: the red focal node in the centre this time befriends a friend of a friend who happens to be blue, then again dissociates with the same prior connection. The study examines the dynamic evolution of graphs at a societal level via these primitive, individual rewiring operations, using a stochastic process.

Your task is to implement more advanced versions of these socialisation processes for a simulation similar to this paper, but in a fully deterministic manner that facilitates testing.


This is a programming assignment designed to develop the following skills:

· write cypher queries that can extract information from a graph database and modify the structure of a graph

· write python/networkx code that can manipulate graph-structured data

·   implement primitive operations that can be used stochastically for a large-scale software simulation

Schema Description

We will use a fairly simple schema inspired by the Social Graphand Interest Graph examples from Jordan [2]. While other labels and properties may exist in the graph, your queries will focus on:

Vertices with a :Person label that have a Name property

Vertices with an :Interest label that have an Interest property

.  Edges between people vertices that have a :Friends label and a Since property; these should not be duplicated

.  Edges between interest vertices that have a :SimilarTo label

Edges from people vertices to interest vertices that have an :InterestedIn label

Query Specifications

You will write functions that evolve the social-interest graph, both in cypher and in python/networkx. The four separate functions/queries should perform the following behaviour:

1. Triadic Closure: Add an edge from every user vertex to every friend of a friend to whom they are not already connected

2. Homophily: Add an edge from every user vertex to every other user vertex with at least two common interests if they are not already connected

3. Rewiring: For each user vertex, remove the edge with the fewest common friends and replace it with an edge to the user vertex within three hops that has the most common interests

4. Interest Similarity: For each interest vertex, add an edge to other interest vertices if at least 50% of user's connected to that vertex are also connected to the target vertex

Triadic Closure

You should insert edges to close altriangles among user vertices in the graph, orienting the new edges from the node with lower id to the node with higher id. As an example, if your graph had only user vertices and had edges {(A, B), (B,C), (C, D)} prior to calling this function, it should have edges {(A, B), (B,C), (C, D), (A,C), (B, D)} afterwards. Observe that this is not recursively applied; e.g., in this example, the triangle (A,C, D) has not been closed.

This represents all friends of friends simultaneously becoming friends. In a software simulation, we would apply some probability to each new edge to add randomness to the graph evolution.


You should insert edges to connect alpersons who share at least two common interests, orienting the new edges from the node with lower id to the node with higher id. As an example, if your graph had interest vertices {I0, I1}, person vertices {P1, P2, P3}, and edges {(P0, I0), (P0, I1), (P1, I0), (P2, I0), (P2, I1)} prior to calling this function, it should have edges {(P0, I0), (P0, I1), (P1, I0), (P2, I0), (P2, I1), (P0, P2)} afterwards.

Moreover, if two interests are similar to each other, this should also be considered. For example, if person P0 likes I0, P1 likes I1, and I0 is similar to I1, this implies that P0 and P1 have a similar interest. However, it should not be redundant. In the prior example, if P1 also likes I0, then it doesn't matter that I0 and I1 are similar. Finally, if P0 and P1 both like I0 and I1, but I0 and I1 are similar, then this only counts as one shared interest.

This represents everyone in the graph becoming instantly friends with everyone who is similar to them. Again, in a software simulation, we would apply some probability to each new edge that is added.


You should change one edge for each person, u. Specifically, you should remove the edge incident to u to the person vertex v for which u has the fewest mutual friends. This might be, but is not necessarily, the same edge that should be removed for vertex v. This should be replaced with a new edge for u to the person vertex that is a friend of a friend or a friend of a friend of a friend and has the most mutual interests. For simplicity, in this function, you do not need to consider the similarity between interests, simply the total number of direct connections. Break ties by removing and adding vertices with the lowest id. If the edge to be removed is the same as the edge to be added, then do not remove it.

For example, if P0 is friends with P1 who is friends with P2 and P3 is friends with P4 who is friends with P5 and P0, P2, P3, and P5 all like I0, the the resulting edges would be {(P0, P2), (P1, P2), (P3, P5), (P4, P5), (P0, I0), (P2, I0), (P3, I0), (P5, I0)}.

This represents everyone in the graph ditching their friend least integrated within their social circle and instead befriending somebody (probably) new who has lots of common interests.

Interest Similarity

You should add edges from interest node u to v if at least half of people interested in u are also interested in v. For example, if you have edges {(P0, I0), (P0, I1), (P1, I1), (P2, I1)} prior to the function call, then afterwards you should have edges {(P0, I0), (P0, I1), (P1, I1), (P2, I1), (I0, I1)}.

This represents a batch update to the graph for making recommendations using an extreme simplification of collaborative filtering.


You should submit the attached python file and four cypher files, having completed the empty functions or empty queries. Do not rename the files or the grading script will not discover them.


The four cypher queries and the four python/networkx functions will all be graded with a script set up with five unit tests each. The unit tests will match between cypher and python/networkx. Your score on the assignment will be the number of unit tests that you pass. Grading will take place periodically until the deadline and you will receive the last grade assigned. Thus, it is possible to submit your assignment repeatedly up until the deadline and receive preliminary grades that indicate your progress so far.

Sources and Academic Integrity

You are permitted to use sources that you find on the Internet, so long as the source is clearly dated with a last edit prior to 1-January-2023 and you provide a citation in your source code. For example, GitHub and StackOverflow content is permitted, so long as their last edit date is clearly dated prior to this year. If you do not include a citation in your source code, your work will be considered plagiarism.

You must otherwise complete the assignment independently, including the development of pseudocode. Submissions may be subjected to plagiarism detection software and evidence of collaboration will be reported as an Academic Integrity infringement. You are welcome to prepare for the assignment with peers in the class by working through the other course materials, which are designed to prepare you well for this assignment.

Illness, Lateness, Technical Issues, and Personal Circumstances

Submissions will be accepted until the enddate of the assignment listed in Brightspace, which in this case provides only a two hour buffer after the deadline. Note that support for the assignment will not be available after the deadline, however. Submissions will not be accepted after the enddate. Please plan accordingly.


I hope that this assignment is an enjoyable and realistic way to learn about social networks and cypher + python programming. Good luck!


1. Asikainen et al. (2020). "Cumulative effects of triadic closure and homophily in social networks." Science Advances 6(19).

https:/www.science.org/doi/10. 1126/sciadv.aax7310

2. Jordan (2014). Practical Neo4j. Apress Media.

Due on Dec 6, 2023 11:59 PM

Available on Nov 6, 2023 11:59 PM. Access restricted before availability starts.

Available until Dec 7, 2023 2:00 AM. Access restricted after availability ends.

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