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ELEC373 Digital Systems Design Assignment 1


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Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics


Digital Systems Design

Assignment 1

Serial Communications



Coursework name

Assignment 1

Component weight




HE Level


Lab location

PC labs 301, 304 as timetabled, at other times for private study



Timetabled time

12 hours (3 hours per week – Tuesdays 1pm – 4pm)

Suggested private study

10 hours including report writing

Assessment method

Individual, formal word-processed reports (Block diagrams and ASMs can be hand drawn and scanned into the report)

Submission format

Online via CANVAS

Submission deadline

23:59 on Sunday 26th  November 2023

Late submission

Standard university penalty applies

Resit opportunity

Students Failing Assignment 1 will have Assignment 2 as the

resit opportunity. Students Failing the module and Assignment 2 will have an alternative assignment in the Summer

Marking policy

Marked and moderated independently

Anonymous marking



Via comments on CANVAS

Learning outcomes

LO1: Ability to design digital systems using the ASM design method

LO2: Ability to implement digital systems using the Verilog Hardware Description Language

ELEC 373 Verilog Assignment 1 (2023-2024)

Assignment Overview

This assignment has been set to get you familiar with designing digital systems and

synthesising them from a Verilog description. You should develop your design using Altera’s Quartus II V13.0sp1 and test your design on the Terasic DE2-35 board.

Assignment Outline

The DE2 Board has a 9 pin D type connector and associated level shifting circuitry to allow the board to be connected tothe RS232 port of another electronic device.Figure 1shows the circuit on the DE2 board which includes a MAX232 device that performs the voltage     conversion and also two LEDs which indicate if there is any activity on the transmit or receive signals. These LEDs are normally off and pulse when data is being transmitted.

Figure 1 RS232 Level conversion circuit

Table 1shows which pins of the FPGA are connected to the MAX232 device. Note that UART_RXD is the input received signal as received on pin 3 of the 9 pin D-Type and

UART_TXD is the output transmitted signal sent to pin 2 of the 9 pin D-Type. Pin 5 carries the GND signal between the two systems.

Table 1 FPGA Pin connections


For this assignment you are to develop a UART transmitter to serially transmit data from the DE2 board, via the serial link, to a PC running a terminal program, for example “ Putty” . The   PC should then display the ASCII value of the data transmitted. For example if 0x41 was

transmitted a capital ‘A’ should be displayed. The data is entered by keying in the binary

data on the “inputs” and then transmitted when the “send” key is pressed. The data should be transmitted with the baud, parity and number of bits indicated in Table 2 and also

displayed on the displays indicated in Table 2 . You should use Key[0] as a system reset, note that the Keys are active low i.e. normally high but going low when pressed.

Make sure that your design is fully synchronous,i.e. all the D type flip-flops should be clocked by the 50 MHz system clock.

Your “top level” Quartus file can be either a “bdf” or Verilog file.

Note that more modern PCs do not have a built in serial port on the Motherboard, so you

will need to use a USB to RS232 adapter cable available from the technician. To see what

communicationsport it gets mapped to, use “Device Manager” in Windows and then look at the “Ports (COM &LPT)” to see what COM port it is mapped to (it will probably be COM 4).


Your report should include the following.

1)   Description of Architecture(s) and Controller(s) (with block diagram showing interconnections). (Maximum 2 pages A4)

2)   Description of each module to be documented by the following information:

a.   ASM Charts for any Algorithmic State Machines and any combinational logic

(Remember Combinational Logic can be treated as a single state ASM). b.   Commented Verilog code for each module.

c.    Full simulation of each module. (With annotations indicating what the simulation proves).

This information should be grouped together for each module i.e. there should be a single section covering the above for each module. (Don’t group all the ASMs

together, the marker needs to be able to linearly read through the report without flipping forwards and backwards. They first want to see the ASM, then the

Verilog,then the simulation for each block)

3)   Schematic of the full system if a “bdf” is used otherwise the Verilog of the full system.

4)   Simulation of the full system. (With annotations and maximum ½ page on any comments)

5)   Explanation of experimental test results. (Max 1 page)

6)   Discussion/Conclusions (Maximum ½ page)

7)   You should also submit your design via CANVAS as a ZIP file. Make sure all the files need to compile simulate and test the design are included.

Please format your report in the order indicated above, i.e. fully document each module before describing the next module.


When marking the reports I will be looking very closely for any signs of collusion, as this is unacceptable. I need to assess your own ability not that of your friend or colleague. If I find any evidence of collusion then the University’s rules on the punishment for collusion will be followed. If you do collude I will spot it and you will be penalised – you have been warned.

Submission Deadline

Demonstration: Tuesday 21st  November 2023

Electronic copy: Sunday 26th  November 2023 @ 11:59pm on CANVAS

J.S.Smith (24/10/2023)


1.   When you have finished Assignment 1 you can start on Assignment 2 which will be to implement a full UART i.e. to add a receiver to your transmitter, which will display

the received value on some other 7 segment displays.

2.   Whilst the boards have been serviced, some may still have intermittent “Keys”. It is advised to connect Key[0]-Key[3] to LEDG[0]-LEDG[3] so that you can check that

contact has been made when the switch is pressed.

3.   Design using small simple modules that can be re-used, for example the same shift  register design could be use in the receivers as well as the transmitter if you plan in advance.

4.   Block diagrams and ASM can be hand drawn and then scanned into the report, there is no need to use a drawing package