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PROG1001 Assessment 1 - Portfolio Part A


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Programming I


Assessment 1

Portfolio Part A

1 Module 1 Codio Maze Game Activities

1.1 Progress Testing #1 (Maze Game Activity A1.2 - Think Logically, page 13):

(From your Codio ‘Think Logically’ activities – make a screenshot of the Challenge on page 13 in Codio and paste it into the space below here, then answer the question below.)

Screenshot #1:  

Question #1:  In the table below, provide a description for each of the displays at the top of the game.  In your answer, indicate the initial values when you first play the game, and what triggers their change.

Menu Item

Initial Value

What triggers a change to the number?  How does it change?










1.2 Progress Testing #2 (Maze Game Activity A1.2 - Think Logically, page 14):

(Insert screenshot below)

Screenshot #2:  

Question #2:  What changes to the number of function/method calls that you could make to the game so it could meet the Final Challenge criteria?


Number of calls

Other changes, Comments  










1.3 Progress Testing #3 (Maze Game Activity A1.3 - Decomposition - Variables, page 10):

(Insert screenshot below)

Screenshot #3:  

Question #3:  What other variables changes/additions could you make to the game variables to make it more useful, and so you could customise it even more?  


Initial Value?

Other changes, Comments  













Note:  numMonsters has been used as a suggested start.  You can update the other existing variables, or create your own variable names for energy, walls, etc.

2 Customising your Maze Game

Note down your own options that you will use to customise your game, in the space provided below.  

It is mandatory for you to use these settings to customise your game options.   

Your Player Option number:     (the last digit of your student id)

2.1 Progress Testing #4: (Assessment 1 - Your Customised Maze Game):

(Insert screenshot below)

Screenshot #4:

Insert your final code here:  

After you have finalised the game, continue to play your customised game, and determine if the customised criteria / settings for your game are workable, and to determine if your game is ‘winnable’, i.e. get to the exit goal with at least 10 points.  Then answer the question below.

Question #4:  What other changes or additions to your maze game criteria would you suggest to make your game winnable?


Initial Value?

Other changes, Comments  













Note:  You do not need to make your suggested changes in Codio.  You are only required to answer the question above.