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CIS 5627, Offensive Computer Security, Fall 2023


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CTF Part I - Solving CTF Problems Offline

CIS 5627, Offensive Computer Security, Fall 2023

Department of Computer Science, Florida State University

Points: 100

Due: 11:59PM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Submission: For this assignment, you must submit your answers online via Canvas by uploading a pdf file. You also need to attach any programs you have written for this assignment as well.

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you use the techniques learned in class to solve relevant CTF problems to gain further hand-on knowledge and skills.

You can choose to solve any problems in Pwn or Web available at https://ctf.hackucf.org/challenges; additionally, you  can  also  choose  to  solve  any  problems  in  binary  exploitation  or  web  exploitation  available  at https://play.picoctf.org/practice. For each problem to be counted for this assignment, you need to solve it by yourself and submit a write-up with screenshots to demonstrate the techniques you have used. In your write-up, please identify each of the problems clearly.

For every 5 points you earn according to the scoreboard at https://ctf.hackucf.org/challenges, you earn one point for this assignment; for every 10 points you earn according to the scoreboard at https://play.picoctf.org/practice, you earn one point for this assignment.

You need to include a table at the beginning of your submission with the following required columns: for each row, identify the site (picoctf, hackucf, or any other approved site), the name of the challenge, the category, the scoreboard points (according to the scoreboard), the earned assignment points, and any comments. The last row should include the total of the scoreboard points) and the earned assignment points. The spreadsheet is available for you to use. The table should be similar to the following:

Note: In case you have solved all the available challenges already in a group setting, please work with the instructor to identify CTF problems that are equivalent.

Extra Credit Option

You can solve additional problems in the challenge. You can earn up to 25 points as extra credit for this assignment.