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MESF5930 Homework Assignment #6


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Homework Assignment #6, Due Nov. 22, 2023.

Use the FEM software to solve the following problems. Please state clearly the type of element used and show (1) the mesh, (2) the loading conditions and (3) the relevant results (For problem 1, show the temperature and heat flux. For problem 2, show the deformed shape, stress and strain field.). For all problems, please conduct a convergence study, that is, check the convergence of the results as the mesh is refined.

1. Heat conduction inside a plate. Utilize symmetry and run simulations with a coarse mesh of three linear triangular elements as shown in the lecture notes and finer meshes of your choice.

2. Plane stress problem:

The material properties are E = 40 GPa, v = 0.15. The thickness of the plate is h = 2 cm and the loading P0 = 100 kN/m2.