关键词 > DESC9154



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50% of final grade / mark

Due Date: 3rd  November 2023 11.59pm

•     To be submitted via the canvas website for the DESC9154 course

•     Lighting design and direct calculations must be submitted as a pdf, with the AGI file submitted as well

•     Design is to comply with the relevant Australian Standards, proof of compliance must be demonstrated in the submission

•     The pdf submission is to be a maximum of four (4) A3 pages and is to demonstrate the following:

o  Lighting calculation layouts for each area

o  Luminaire schedules for each area - to include all relevant information so that the installers can accurately locate and aim the fittings

o  Calculation schedules for each area - to include all relevant information to demonstrate compliance

o  Obtrusive lighting calculations

o  Obtrusive lighting compliance certificate - can be submitted as an extra page

o  Specified luminaire images

o  A statement of compliance indicating compliance with the relevant Australian Standard values    for each area - in table format. E.g. indicate the requirements and the values achieved for each lighting category and area

•     Please note that plagiarising will result in a fail

Learning Outcomes

1.   LO1. understand the abilities and limitations of lighting design software packages.

2.   LO2. overview of Australian Lighting Standards

3.   LO3. demonstrate proficiency with AGi32.

4.   LO4. select and apply lighting products to develop plans that adhere to Australian standards for exterior lighting.

5.   LO5. select and apply lighting products to develop plans that adhere to Australian standards for interior lighting.

6.   LO6. visually present your lighting design plans, attractively and meaningfully.

Marking Criteria

1.   Creativity and Adequacy of the Solution 25%

2.   Completeness of the Information 25%

3.   Demonstration of Critical Understanding 25%

4.   Clarity of the Documentation 25%

Late submission

In accordance withUniversity policy, these penalties apply when written work is submitted after 11:59pm on the due date:

•     Deduction of 5% of the maximum mark for each calendar day after the due date.

•     After ten calendar days late, a mark of zero will be awarded.

Special consideration

If you experience short-term circumstances beyond your control, such as illness, injury or misadventure or if you have essential commitments which impact your preparation or performance in an assessment, you may be

eligible forspecial consideration or special arrangements.


Students will receive feedback and marks uploaded to Canvas site.

Academic honesty

While the University is aware that the vast majority of students and staff act ethically and honestly, it is opposed to and will not tolerate academic dishonesty or plagiarism and will treat all allegations of dishonesty seriously.

Further information on academic honesty, academic dishonesty, and the resources available to all students can

be found on the academic integrity pages on the current students


Further information for on research integrity and ethics for postgraduate research students and students

undertaking research-focussed coursework such as Honours and capstone research projects can be also be found on the current students website:https://sydney.edu.au/students/research-integrity-ethics.html.

Compliance statement

In submitting this work, you acknowledge you have understood the following:

I have read and understood the University of Sydney'sAcademic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015.

The work is substantially my own and where any parts of this work are not my own I have indicated this by acknowledging the source of those parts of the work and enclosed any quoted text in quotation marks.

The work has not previously been submitted in part or in full for assessment in another unit unless I have been given permission by my unit of study coordinator to do so.

The work will be submitted to similarity detection software (Turnitin) and a copy of the work will be retained in Turnitin's paper repository for future similarity checking. Note: work submitted by postgraduate research

students for research purposes is not added to Turnitin's paper repository.

Grading Standards

High Distinction (HD), 85-100%

To earn a HD, the lighting design and presentation documents will be impeccable. They will be completely free of errors and the layout will be interesting and easy to read. The submission will demonstrate a clever ability to

apply knowledge of the lighting design software AGi32 and Australian Standards compliance, with an exceptional design solution and presentation.

Distinction (D), 75-84%

To earn a D, the lighting design and presentation will be excellent. They will be free of errors and the layout will be in an easy to read format. The submission will demonstrate an insightful ability to apply knowledge of the

lighting design software AGi32 and Australian Standards compliance, with an excellent design solution and presentation.

Credit (C), 65-74%

To earn a C, the lighting design and presentation will be excellent. There will be little to no errors and the layout will be easy to read. The submission will demonstrate a strong ability to apply knowledge of lighting design

software AGi32 and Australian Standards, with a competent design solution and presentation.

Pass (P), 50-64%

To earn a P, the lighting design and presentation will be satisfactory. They will be mostly free of errors and will be presented in a comprehensive way. The submission will demonstrate a basic ability to apply knowledge of  lighting design software AGi32 and Australian Standards with a satisfactory design solution and presentation.

Fail (P), <50%

The lighting design and presentation will not be satisfactory. The lighting calculations will involve significant

mistakes, be incomplete and / or the layout will be incorrect / missing the required information. The submission will fail to demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge of lighting design software AGi32 and compliance with

Australian Standards.

Resubmissions: Only students that receive a failing grade may re-submit the assignment. The maximum mark that a resubmitted assignment can earn is 50% (Pass). Resubmissions will be due 14 days after marks and

feedback are provided to students.


Good Afternoon,

We are pleased to engage your services for a new development at Gledswood Hills, NSW.

The site was previously an empty lot of land. It is proposed that this site will be developed as an interactive and useful area for existing and future residents.

The development will include the following elements:

•     Football field

•     Tennis courts

•     Carpark

•     Pedestrian Pathway

•     Local road including a roundabout and pedestrian refuge

Football field

The football field will be operational between 5pm and 10pm nightly.

The intent for use is semi-professional level - ball and physical training. We request that the lighting design for the football field meets these requirements per AS2560.2.3.

Tennis court

The tennis court will similarly operate between the hours of 5pm and 10pm nightly.

The intent for use will be recreational and residential. We request that the lighting design for the tennis court meets these requirements per AS2560.2.1, per table 1 and figure 1.


The carpark area will operate between the hours of 5pm and 11pm nightly. It is requested that the carpark will meet the requirements of PC2 lighting levels per AS/NZS1158.3.1. There are disabled parking spots that will   need to be addressed as well as a marked area for pedestrians to cross (PCD and PCX).

Pedestrian Pathway

The pedestrian pathway surrounding the area will be operational between sunset and sunrise for the safety of the occupants. We request that the lighting levels to the pathways meet the requirements of PP2 lighting

category per AS/NZS1158.3.1.


The roadway leading to the development site will be a local road. It will also be operational between sunset and sunrise. We require compliance with PR3 lighting category per AS/NZS1158.3.1.

We also have a channelized roundabout that will need to be addressed as well as a pedestrian refuge.

Our CAD department has taken the liberty of drawing in the required offsets for the roundabout and pedestrian refuge as we understand your office may not have access to CAD.

Obtrusive Lighting

The client has requested that obtrusive lighting calculations be performed to the residential properties located nearby as they are concerned with the light spill from the tennis court and football field.

Whilst we have assured them of the closing time, they still want to demonstrate to council that pre-curfew limits are met. Although the pathway and roadway lights will be on all night, these are for safety purposes, and as

such the client is not concerned about curfew obtrusive lighting. Only pre-curfew limits will need to be

demonstrated. As this is a new development, please be sure to use the appropriate pre-curfew parameters. The zone is A3 - medium district brightness.

As discussed, we have a tight deadline on this project and as such will require your document submission by the 3rd November 11.59pm. We will be submitting these documents to council, so it is important that they

demonstrate clear compliance with the required Australian Standards.

I look forward to hearing from you.