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DPBS1110 Evidence-Based Problem Solving Assessment 2b


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DPBS1110 Evidence-Based Problem Solving

Assessment 2b: Assessment Guide and Marking Rubric

.  Word limit: A maximum of 1,500 words (no minimum word limit; graphs, figures and reference list are excluded from the word count). A 10% penalty will apply if you exceed the word count.

.   Structure and format: No introduction or executive summary are required. You are required to write in a business report style (i.e. formal language, etc).

.   Referencing  style:   Harvard  (see The  'In-Text'  or   Harvard  method  for   more information).

You have been asked to do further investigation and provide a recommendation to NSW government. In particular, you have been asked to provide a recommendation on whether the NSW government need to interfere to address the rental stress problem and ease the pressure of the rising cost of living. Recommend at least one policy that NSW government could consider.

1.  Solve lt! 'Statistical Toolbox'

This section of the report is approximately 500 words (guide only, not a word limit).

.    After your initial investigation and feedback from various stakeholders, it has been advised that there are other important factors which affect rental stress.

.    To  understand  whether these factors play an important role, you will need to (i)  formulate  a  multiple  linear  regression  model  and  (ii)  explain  whether the relationship is statistically and/or economically significant.

The use of a  multiple  linear  regression, confidence  intervals and  hypothesis testing  would  help  you  address  this   and  thus  provide  evidence  for  your arguments.

.    In addition to interpreting the results of your analysis you will also need to draw to  attention  issues  of  causality  and  confoundment  which   can  impact  the conclusions from the analysis.

.    As a part of this assessment, assumptions and limitations need to be explicitly identified. e.g. What variable would you want to have in an ideal situation to measure income in this analysis? Do you have this variable in the dataset?

2. Solve lt! 'Ethics Toolbox'

This section of the report is approximately 500 words (guide only, not a word limit).

Your client, the  NSW government,  is especially concerned with the ethical issues that rental stress presents. Apply the 7-step ethical decision-making framework from Unit 3 to the following ethical dilemma:

Should NSW government limit the level of rent increase that landlords can charge?

For the ethical dilemma you are writing up, apply the 7-step ethics decision-making framework to formulate a position on the ethical issue selected. Makes sure your    position on the ethical issue (step 7 in the framework) is clearly presented.

3. Solve It! 'Information Toolbox'

This section of the report is approximately 500 words (guide only, not a word limit).

After compiling all of the above evidence, you are now ready to consolidate this and other evidence that you researched, and provide your recommendations to your Team Leader for inclusion on the main report.

Your instructions are to:

.     Write your report with a clear problem-solving and decision-making logic

.     Tell  a  compelling  story  with  a  clearly  articulated  report  argument  structure. You MUST include either a grouping or argument structure logic tree. (the logic tree will not be included in the word count)

.     Ensure that your recommendations are persuasive and include specific course of actions for the government.

.     Be consistent with the statistical and ethical analysis conducted in the report.

.     Comment  on  the reliability and validity of this report.

Other Resources:

-       Library Expert on Demand for personalised support:


-       Research consultation:https://unswlibrary.libanswers.com/research-consultation

-       Business guide:https://subjectguides.library.unsw.edu.au/business