关键词 > COSC-5455

COSC-5455 Assignment 4


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COSC-5455 Assignment 4 (6%)

due Tuesday, November 7, 2023

1) Story Generation with Transformers (1%)

1. Use the ROC story data provided in the previous assignment (https://cs.rochester.edu/nlp/rocstories/) to train and test a story generation system. Starter code is available, prm.py, for a sub-word unit

transformer-based language model. You will need to create a SentencePiece model for tokenization, see sp.py for suggestions.

2. Do a hyper-parameter search.

3. How many parameters does your best model have? How does this compare to the best RNN model?

2) Translator (2%)

1. Adapt the model in (1) into a translation system. Using data from https://tatoeba.org/en/downloads   (Custom export - Sentence pairs), create a system that translates Spanish, and Chinese (Mandarin) into English. You will NOT need to modify the NN code in prm_NN.py.

2. How does this model compare with your RNN model?

3. Modify the code and training to allow any of the 3 languages to be translated into any of the 3   languages. Would adding a Spanish-Chinese dataset help? How many parameters does this model have?

3) BERT Sentiment Analysis (3%)

1. Choose a pre-trained language model from Hugging Face from the BERT family, e.g. BERT, RoBERTa, ALBERT, etc.

2. Fine tune the model using the IMDB movie review dataset, a text classification dataset.    a. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/lakshmi25npathi/imdb-dataset-of-50k-movie-reviews b. Divide the dataset into training, validation, and test sets.

3. Evaluate the fine-tuned model on the validation and test sets.

4. Experiment with different hyperparameters, such as learning rate and batch size, and observe the effect on the model performance.

4) Using Your Model for Sentiment Analysis (2% bonus)

1. Use your model from (1) and (2), and and repeat (3).

a. Pre-train on some English dataset that is larger than the ones in (1) & (2).

2. Adapt your model to do sentiment analysis, and fine tune with the IMDB training data.

3. How does your model compare with the BERT-like model? Can you match it? Can you beat it?