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PA233 – Developmental Trauma, Autism and ADHD


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PA233 – Developmental Trauma, Autism and ADHD

Essay Questions and Student Guidance Notes

Essay 1

Choose one of the following questions

Title 1: Using psychoanalysis and one other approach from the following list define and critically discuss the nature of developmental trauma.

               developmental psychology, neurobiology, attachment theory

Title 2: Define and discuss what Van der Kolk means when he uses the term ‘developmental trauma’.  Is this a more helpful way to think about trauma than the current psychiatric approach?    

Basic Instructions

· 1500 words (+/- 10%)

· Citation format APA

· Double Spaced – 1 inch margins

· Include Page numbers

· Size 12 – Times New Roman Font

· Total of module grade: 30%

Deadline: 21st November 2022 through FASER

Guidance for Essay 1:

For this short essay, you need a tight, structured approach.  You don’t have a lot of words to use, so you need make a few key points which are essential to your argument and to provide some evidence for this.  This essay is essentially about defining trauma and then either, critically discussing it from two approaches (question 1), or extending that discussion to compare and contrast with developmental trauma.  Consider carefully the following:

Plan: Always plan your essay. Use an adapted version the four questions we use each week to help you get down some basic ideas…

o What are the key points you want to make in this essay?

o What have you appreciated and learned about this topic?

o What did you not understand (and should either study more deeply or avoid discussing in your essay)?

o What did you disagree with – and here we must add also why did you disagree?

- You don’t have to stick to your plan precisely – but let it guide you in the early stage of writing so you have a balanced and critical set of ideas   

Structure: Start by placing the essay question down as the title for the Essay.  Without this your reader is lost and often, so is the writer!!  Then follow the structure of the question carefully in answering it.   Under the title, ensure you have a short, clear Introduction – that is the map you are giving to the reader about the journey your essay will take them on.   For the main body of the essay after the introduction use subheadings to give a logical structure for the key areas and points you want to make.  After making your main points, the final heading will be the Conclusion.  Here you need to summarise your argument, and say why it matters.   

Evidence: to construct an argument you will need to provide evidence for it.  This evidence can be drawn from readings, research, case examples or just the logic of your argument.  Try to use citations from the readings to give authority to your argument and to show you know the material studied – that is how you meet the learning outcomes required.  Draw equally from materials related to psychoanalysis – in this or other modules on your course – and the other main discipline you chose. Only use wider readings after you have drawn from the course readings.

- Since we covered psychoanalysis and psychiatry in week 1 go back to those readings and lectures.

Proofread and Edit: before submitting your work you must check through it. Ideally do this at least twice.  First, for spelling, grammar, sentencing and paragraphing, and second, to check the content of the argument ensuring that it makes good sense and that you have actually written what you meant to write.  Try reading your work aloud to yourself, or to someone else – this way you can spot errors and correct them.

Please note: the PPS Essay Writing Guide is on Moodle under Information for Students.  It is recommended reading!

Essay 2

Title: Consider the question below in relation to one of the following three presenting issues: Developmental Trauma / Autism / ADHD.  

Is psychiatric diagnosis or psychoanalytic assessment of greater help in understanding what children are suffering from and how best to support them?

Basic Instructions

· 2500 words (+/- 10%)

· Citation format APA

· Double Spaced – 1 inch margins

· Include Page numbers

· Size 12 – Times New Roman Font

· Total of module grade: 70%

Deadline: 30th January 2022 through FASER

Guidance for Essay 2:

For this longer essay, you need a more developed and in-depth argument.  Try to achieve critical depth rather than too much breadth.   

This essay is essentially about two things.  First, the debatable validity of psychiatric over psychoanalytic approaches to mental, social and emotional health, and second, which approach is best for practitioners to adopt in offering therapeutic support to their clients.  Consider carefully the following:

Plan: Always plan your essay. Use an adapted version the four questions we use each week to help you get down some basic ideas…

o What are the key points you want to make in this essay?

o What have you appreciated and learned about this topic?

o What did you not understand (and should either study more deeply or avoid discussing in your essay)?

o What did you disagree with – and here we must also add why did you disagree?

- You don’t have to stick to your plan precisely – but let it guide you in the early stage of writing so you have a balanced and critical set of ideas   

Structure: Start by placing the essay question down as the title for the Essay.  Without this your reader is lost and often, so is the writer!!  Then follow the structure of the question carefully in answering it.   Under the title, ensure you have a short, clear Introduction – that is the map you are giving to the reader about the journey your essay will take them on.   For the main body of the essay after the introduction use subheadings to give a logical structure for the key areas and points you want to make.  

- For this essay, you would give about 70% of the word count to discussing psychiatric diagnosis and psychoanalytic assessment, and 30% to the ways of helping such children said to have Developmental Trauma, Autism or ADHD.   

- After making your main points, the final heading will be the Conclusion.  Here you need to summarise your argument, and say why it matters and to whom, including in what way it may be important to you.   

Evidence: to construct an argument you will need to provide evidence for it.  This evidence can be drawn from readings, from research, from case examples or just the logic of your argument.  Try to use citations from the readings to give authority to your argument.   Also, use a few short quotations from the readings.  

- In using citations and quotations, you show that you are familiar with the material studied, that is how you meet the learning outcomes the module requires.  Start by drawing from the readings provided in this module, and only then begin the supplement your essay with wider reading and research.  Additional marks can be gain by drawing upon some wider readings.  Include at least some citations from psychoanalytic texts.  

- The essay should have more critical depth.  You should argue about psychiatry, showing both sides of the debate even if you eventually make a case that favours one or other side.  Draw from texts that take different positions, and organise this section of the essay as a debate which you are co-ordinating.  Make sure your critical voice comes in, and keep the reader aware of what you are doing and where you are taking your argument

Proofread and edit: before submitting your work you must check through it. Ideally do this at least twice, once for form, and once for content.  First, for spelling, grammar, sentencing and paragraphing (form), and second, to check for quality of the argument ensuring that it makes good sense and that you have actually written what you meant to write (content).  Try reading your work aloud to yourself, or to someone else – this way you can spot errors and correct them.

Please note: the PPS Essay Writing Guide is on Moodle under Information for Students.  It is recommended reading!