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EECS 215 : Introduction to Electronic Circuits FA23


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EECS 215 : Introduction to Electronic Circuits FA23

Extra Credit Homework Project

Many companies are addressing the global issue of conflict minerals. As an engineer, you may   find that you need to address this in your career. To learn more about this, your task is to further investigate an electronics company.

Below are some electronics companies, and helpful links to help launch your research. Use the keywords in the report to locate more recent information. Select one company from the list below for your project. Be sure to properly cite your research sources in your written submission, using theIEEE reference style.


Helpful Link(s)

[please add at least 2 additional references in your submission]


Samsung Link 1andSamsung Link 2


Apple Link 1andApple Link 2


Intel Link 1and Intel Link 2


IBM Link 1andIBM Link 2

This assignment is worth 12 points, which are outlined below. Prepare written full-sentence answers to the following questions:

1.   [3 points] Describe 3 products this company makes.

2.   [2 points] Describe one way that this company uses conflict minerals AND explain how these minerals impact communities.

3.   [1 point] Describe that company’s strategy for reducing reliance on conflict minerals.

4.   [3 points] Critically evaluate the completeness/reliability of the data you located about the company’s conflict minerals strategy AND identify at least one drawback to the

company’s current strategy for reducing reliance on conflict minerals.

5.   [1 point] Properly cite your sources while addressing the questions above.

6.   [2 points]. Connect with a classmate who researched a different company. Include a

paragraph in your report comparing how your two companies are reducing their reliance on conflict minerals and describing the pros/cons of the approaches. Include your

partner’s computing ID (i.e. “My partner, NAME LASTNAME [SCHOOL ID #], researched COMPANY NAME… “).

Submit your assignment on Gradescope. The rubric for the assignment is outlined on the next page.






Describe 3 things the company makes

0 pts

1 pt (1 product listed)

2 pts (2 products listed)

3 pt

Describe one way the company uses conflict minerals AND

explain how the minerals impact communities

0 pts

1 pt (no explanation on community impacts)


2 pts

Describe the company’s strategy to reduce reliance on conflict


0 pts

1 pt (brief description offered)

1 pt

Critically evaluate the data

located about the company’s

conflict minerals strategy AND   identify at least one drawback to the company’s strategy for

reducing reliance on conflict minerals.

0 pts

1 pt (Just evaluated data sources OR just critiqued current method, not both)



3 pt

Research, citations, and no typos

0 pts

0.5 pt (some errors exist in either writing or citations or only used provided websites)

1 pt

Classmate Comparison of a different company

0 pts

1 pt (only talks about one company without comparing the two to each other explicitly)

2 pts

Maximum Total Points = 12