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ACCT332-21S2 (C) Advanced Management Accounting End-of-year Examinations, 2021


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Department of Accounting and Information Systems


End-of-year Examinations, 2021

ACCT332-21S2 (C) Advanced Management Accounting

Topic A: Multi-choice questions

Indicate the BEST answer.

1. Budgets can be used to evaluate managerial performance in:


cost centres


profit centres


investment centres

a. II only.

b. I and II only.

c. II and III only.

d. I, II and III.

2. Responsibility accounting includes:

I                   monitoring primarily for mistakes

II                  assigning authority to divisional managers

III                measuring the performance of divisional managers

a. I and III only.

b. II and III only.

c. I and II only.

d. I, II and III.

3. A corporate accounting department would most often be considered a:

a. cost centre, because its costs can be controlled by upper management.

b. revenue centre, if accountants have input in pricing decisions.

c. cost centre, because it is typically a high cost operation.

d. cost centre, because it is a support service.

4. Lead indicators are:

a. a summary of the outcomes of the firm’s past performance.

b. drivers of performance and enable us to anticipate the firm’s future performance.

c. a firm’s net profit or gross profit ratios.

d. a firm’s return on equity.

5. Which of the following measures would be most likely to be found in the learning and growth perspective of the balanced scorecard?

a. Training days per employee

b. Residual income

c. Change in market share

d. Percent capacity utilisation

6. The steps and cycles in the value chain are most closely associated with which balanced scorecard perspective?

a. Customer

b. Internal business process

c. Financial

d. Learning and growth

7. To reduce agency costs, organisations implement various systems and controls to monitor behaviour, including which of the following?

I         Publishing audited financial statements

II       Filing income tax returns

III      Tying financial rewards to reported results

a. I and II only

b. II and III only

c. I and III only

d. I, II and III

8. From a business owner’s perspective, which of the following is an agency cost?

a. Costs to provide appropriate incentive contracts for top management

b. General supplier price increases

c. Losses from poor economic conditions

d. Insufficient executive pay

9. It is more likely that the performance of a top executive will be measured at which of these levels?

a. Department

b. Product

c. Individual

d. Corporate

10. The process of measuring, monitoring and simultaneously controlling the economic, environmental and social dimensions of an entity is known as:

a. sustainability management.

b. sustainability accounting.

c. sustainability.

d. none of the options listed.

11. The most effective way for an entity to take into account the external environmental and the sustainability costs of its activities is:

a. to follow guidelines provided by external parties.

b. by voluntary disclosure.

c. for the government to issue fines and penalties for breaches.

d. for the entity to internalise the external costs.

12. Costs that an entity imposes upon others as a result of its operations but which the entity typically ignores are called:

a. contingent costs.

b. externalities.

c. all of the options listed.

d. none of the options listed.


Topic B: Lean manufacturing

Question 1: Cost of quality

At the beginning of 2021, Bing Company initiated a quality improvement programme. The programme was successful  in  reducing  some  quality-related  costs. To  help  assess  the  impact  of the  quality improvement programme, Bing’s managers collected the following data for this year and last year:






Complaint adjustment



Design changes



Inspection of rework



Materials inspection



Product inspection



Product warranty



Quality circles



Quality training



Returns from










Supplier verification




(a)     Compute prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs as a percentage of sales for 2020 and for 2021. (4 marks)

(b)     Explain what the computations in (a) tell you about the quality improvement programme. (1 mark)

(c)     What is the effect on profit of the quality improvements? (½ mark)

(d)     If quality costs can be reduced even further to 2.5 percent of 2021 sales, what is the impact on profit? (½ mark)

Question 2: JIT & TOC

Compare and contrast Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing and the Theory of Constraints (TOC). (4 marks)


Topic C: Responsibility accounting and transfer pricing

Question 3

Responsibility accounting is the process of assigning authority and responsibility to

managers of sub-units in the organisation and then measuring and evaluating their

performance. Sub-units may include cost, revenue, profit and investment centres. When managers make choices about locating decision-making authority, they are also making choices about organisational structure.


Discuss the differences between when decision-making authority is centralised versus

decentralised. Also discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of centralised and

decentralised organisations. (6 marks)

Question 4

A transfer price is the price used to record the revenues and costs of such transfers of goods and services between responsibility centres within an entity.


Describe two methods used for setting transfer price policies in manufacturing and service organisations. (4 marks)


Topic D: Balanced scorecard and strategy maps

Question 5

Discuss the role of strategy maps in the balanced scorecard process. Include in this

discussion what the strategy map provides, what it illustrates, and what its focus should be. (6 marks)

Question 6

Explain what ‘financial measures’ and ‘non-financial measures’ are and give an example    of each. (4 marks)


Topic E: Rewards, incentives and risk management

Question 7

Reward systems and associated incentive payments for executives and senior managers are sometimes considered controversial in contemporary society. Moreover, the

management of risk is becoming an increasing area of concern for boards, executives and regulators. While incentive plans are important in the process of managing risk, other

internal controls are important tools in managerial control systems.


What are the two extremes of reward systems? (2 marks)

Question 8

Describe extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and give an example of each. (4 marks)

Question 9

What is the objective of risk management? (2 marks)

Question 10

Describe strategic risks and operational risks. You may use examples in your descriptions. (2 marks)


Topic F: Sustainability management accounting

Question 11

Many organisations are increasingly outsourcing manufacturing activities to vendors in    countries having low labour costs such as China, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Mexico. Certain activists claim that this practice is socially irresponsible due to numerous factory  problems such as excessive work hours, poverty wages, toxic gas releases and

harassment of union organisers. Some people argue that it is difficult for organisations to adequately monitor working conditions at outsource locations.


Discuss whether it is possible for you as a consumer to know the conditions under which    the products you purchase are produced. (3 marks)

Question 12

Identify and discuss three measures that an organisation could use to monitor worker

conditions in outsource factories. For each measure, describe how the organisation might  collect reliable data. (3 marks)

Question 13

Discuss what is meant by the ‘life cycle’ of a product or service, what activities are

evaluated when doing a life cycle analysis of a product or service, and what ‘life cycle

costing’ involves. (6 marks)


Topic G: Integrated Reporting

Question 14

The corporate business model is at the core of an organisation. Describe how the business model is portrayed in the Integrated Reporting Framework. Ensure you discuss the various

components of the business model that an organisation should include as a means to enable them to illustrate how they create value. (7 marks)

Question 15

Discuss three differences between Integrated Reporting and other forms of corporate reporting. (6 marks)

Question 16

Discuss what is meant by ‘value creation’ and to whom value is created in Integrated Reporting. (3 marks)