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Tavernetti, Math Project (Fall 2023)


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Tavernetti, Math Project (Fall 2023)

Project 1:  Mind expanding math and some applications


· Due Date: Turn in before Tuesday December 5.

· Turn in on canvas (electronic file submission)

· Where? Assignments: Project 1

· MUST UPLOAD as a PDF file.

· Deliverable: Type your answers directly into this word document. This is what you will turn in. “Save as” a .pdf file and upload to Canvas.

· There are several [short response or question prompt]. Type your response in the space provided. It is okay to mess with the page length / layout. Type as much as you want.

· This project should take under 2 hours and does not have to be completed all at once.

· Grading: you will be graded on apparent effort and completeness. Substandard projects will not receive full credit.

· Write and do not waste much time proof reading is what is preferred. I want your stream of consciousness and unfiltered thoughts. 3-4 sentences is about 5 minutes of writing and should be around 120 words. 1-2 sentences is half that. I don’t like to put a number on it like that, but people always ask, so there it is.

· Expect for grading: 5+ for outstanding projects (yes extra credit is possible). 5 is a normal project  that completes all the prompts as instructed (mode score). 4.8 is for projects that are a bit sparse, but appear to have done everything. 4.5 is for substandard projects – like 1-2 sentence for each prompt. 4 or less is for incomplete projects (not answering all the prompts for example).

[Project Content Start]

· 1. Watch: “Zoom into a 3D Mandelbrot Set” (2 min)

◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM_SxMnaBN0

◦ Think about this affect in 3D...

· 2. Watch “Cosmic Eye (Original HD Version)” (3 min)

◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Are9dDbW24

◦ Did you already know this? How does this make you feel? Do you feel you understand the scale of the observable universe? Does this idea contrast with the complexity of the Mandelbrot fractal you observed in the first video compared with the size and multiscale universe you witnessed in the second?

[Write 1-2 sentences] How did these videos make you feel? Have you seen these things before?

· 3. Watch “Why Learn Math? Steven Strogatz Takes a Look” (3 min)

◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2hpkI9kSlI

[Write 1-2 sentences on what you saw in 3 addressing the following prompt] What does Prof. Strogatz say? Summarize. Do you agree or disagree with Prof Strogatz?

· 4. Watch “Beauty of Mathematics” https://vimeo.com/77330591 (2 min)

· 5. Watch my TED talk: “The Beauty and Power of Mathematics | William Tavernetti | TEDxUCDavis” (12 min)

◦  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIbjHIGMjQM

[Answer the following questions]

[Question 1:] What is the power and beauty of mathematics according to Dr.Tavernetti?

[Question 2:] Do you want to know math? I don’t mean do you want to LEARN math, I mean, do you wish/want/desire to have that knowledge and skills? Why or why not?

[Question 3:] If hypothetically given the opportunity in the near future, what is the title of YOUR TED talk, what is it about, and what would you like to say? If you feel you can’t, what do you wish you could competently do a TED talk on?

· 6. Watch These Tech Videos:

5 Axis Machining Compilation- Highlights!!! (4 min)

▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGYcVKBmJ58 

◦  “da Vinci Robot Stitches a Grape Back Together” (2 min)

▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XdC1HUp-rU

The Atlas Dynamic Humanoid Robot - Part 2 HD (2 min)

▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjkpTfLVSzk

◦ Industry 4.0 Manufacturing KUKA Robots Building SEAT Cars (watch the first 1 min 26 seconds ONLY)

▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ-L6FzX3yE

[Write 3-4 sentences] Did you know about machines like this? How much math is involved in machines like this? Speculate how… I want to read your best guess / explanation of where the math really comes into building and operating machines like these. It’s okay to be wrong, just write your thoughts here:

· 7. Read Lockhart's Lament pages 1-6, 8 and 24-25 (9 pages total – est. 20 min).

◦ This is a fascinating piece of literature. Take a look (it can downloaded from Canvas where the project is. It is also available with a Google Search for the title). There are two questions below.

[What do pages 24-25 talk about in Lockhart's Lament? Is this accurate based on your experience?]

[Write 3-4+ sentences] How did the reading of Lockhart’s Lament make you feel? Does this writing resonant with your own educational past and experience?

8. What is your personal feeling and overall takeaway from this assignment? What has been good? What has been bad? Why? [Write 3-4 sentences]

9. [Optional] Do you have any suggestions to improve this project, or final thoughts you would like to share?

10. [Optional] Do you have any questions for Dr.Tav?