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Psychology 2840 Lab 6/7 Assignment Experiment Lab


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Research Methods in Psychology

Fall 2023

Psychology 2840 Lab 6/7 Assignment

Experiment Lab

Name: Click here to enter text.

Goal: The goal of this assignment is to help you develop the skills needed to conduct t-tests and to communicate the results of your analyses. We will be conducting two very brief experiments in our lab session and your task is to analyze the results of each experiment and write up a brief report of each analysis.

Before Beginning Your Assignment: As part of this week's lab activity and assignment, you will be participating in two brief online experiments, including a Stroop task and a study on moral judgment. Follow the links below to complete these tasks at the start of our lab session.

1. Stroop Task Experiment: https://www.psytoolkit.org/experiment-library/stroop.html

Read the study instructions carefully. When you are finished the task, your data will be displayed on the screen but you don't need to do anything with these data. We already have a complete data file containing results from this experiment.

2. Moral Judgment Experiment: uwo.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5dsDxC7S5rBgCMK

Please take a moment to complete this short online survey. Be sure to pay attention to the scenario and to the items you'll be asked to rate in the survey.

Assignment Instructions: Download the data files provided with this assignment and complete the items below. When you are finished, upload your completed assignment as an attachment to the OWL Assignments page. Lab assignments are due by the end of the lab session, though they can be submitted without penalty as late as 11:55 PM on the day of our respective lab session.

Don’t forget to use your lab manual, found on OWL on the Lab Modules page. Your lab manual is designed to help you with your lab work and will be an invaluable part of every lab module.

This is an individual assignment, and you are expected to complete your assignment independently. Your submitted work MUST be your own, and everyone must submit their own assignment to OWL.

Experiment 1: Stroop Task

Using the Stroop Task Scores.xlsx file found on the OWL Assignments page, provide the following:

1. An appropriate graph of the data made using Excel. Be sure to follow proper APA format.

2. Perform the appropriate t-test on the data to determine if you found a significant difference in reading time between the two conditions (i.e., congruent vs. incongruent) and report your test results.

3. Write a brief description (one or two sentences) of the data. Be sure to include the results of your analysis and whether or not your hypothesis was supported.

Experiment 2: Morality Judgments

Using the Brad Data.xlsx file found on the OWL Assignments page, provide the following:

4. Conduct a Levene’s (F) test to determine if there was a significant difference in variance between the two groups.

5. Perform the appropriate t-test on the data to determine if you found a significant difference in [competence or warmth—pick either one for your analysis] between the two groups.

a. See Section 3.3 of your lab manual for help.

6. Include an APA-formatted graph of the data made using Excel.

7. In a brief Results section, write a one-sentence description of the results of the Levene’s test supporting your choice of t-test. Also write a brief description of your data and your inferential test. Be sure to include the appropriate statistics and indicate whether your hypothesis was supported.

a. See Section 8.7 of your lab manual for help.

Once complete, upload your Word file to the OWL Assignments page.