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MARKETNG 3008 – Data Driven Customer Engagement Semester 2, 2023 Final Take-Home Exam


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Final Take-Home Exam 

MARKETNG 3008 - Data Driven Customer Engagement

Semester 2, 2023

Rules and Guidelines

•   You have been assigned a local Adelaide business to analyse its customer journey through digital data. Using the pdf file “Final Exam - Business Allocation”, identify your name and your allocated business and follow the instructions on the next pages to complete this assessment task successfully.

•   You are expected to write a research report which should (1) answer the research questions outlined in the following pages through the outcomes of your data analysis and (2) provide recommendations to the company in relation to their customer journey.

•   The main body of the assignment should be 2,000 words maximum, not including metadata (i.e., cover page, title, table of contents, etc.), tables,dashboards, headings, and appendices. Overall, the report should be a maximum of 20 pages (without the appendices), but shorter reports will also be accepted.

•   Use a 1.5-point line spacing and Times New Roman as a font. The main text should be 12 points, while headings can be bigger (13 or  14 points). In addition, you can use styles to make your report look more professional.

•   Ensure you use the manuals and tutorial videos provided on MyUni and used during the course to carry out data analysis and interpret the results.

•   You should include the main output (i.e., the Leximancer concept maps, the Python output, etc.) in the main text of your report. You should also show pictures of social media posts analysed as evidence of your analysis.

•   This exam is due on November 12th 2023, at 23:59, hence you have 7 days to complete it. Please submit your report as a word-document on MyUni under Assignments > Take- Home Exam. Late submissions will not be accepted unless you provide evidence of your extenuating circumstances (e.g., sickness). To do so, please send an email to the Subject Coordinator (Alex Belli alex.belli@adelaide.edu.au) with any relevant documentation.

•   The marks for the final exam are not going to be released on MyUni and will be integrated into the final mark for the subject. However, upon receiving your final result, you’re more than welcome to ask for feedback on your exam.


This assignment is worth 30 points (30% of your final mark for the subject).

There are 3 questions you are required to address, each carrying a different number of points based on their difficulty, for a total of 25 points. You will be awarded a percentage of the points for each research question based on the following:

1.   Your   description   of   the   methodology   –   how   you   collected   the   data,   what platforms/software  you  used  to  analyse  it,  what  metrics  you  used  and  how  you

calculated them, etc. (20%);

2.   Your analysis of the results  how  correctly and thoroughly you analysed the data


3.   Your interpretation of the results  how you interpreted your findings in light of the

customer journey and the marketing funnel (20%)

Another 5 points will be awarded for:

4.   The quality, soundness, and viability of your marketing recommendations (3 points)

5.   The quality of writing, reporting, and presentation of the document (2 points)

Exam Brief:

You are a digital marketing analyst, and you have recently been contacted by a local Adelaide business to carry out some research on their digital marketing platforms in an attempt to find out what they can improve on their customer journey (please refer to the excel file “Final Exam - Business Allocation” to find your assigned business). Your deliverable is a 2,000-word (+/-10%) report where you address the following research questions regarding your client:

Research Question 1 (5 points)

Using  search  engine  optimisation  analytics  tools,  determine  whether  the  business website is optimised for Google. Please focus on onsite, offsite, and technical SEO with the tools learnt in the subject.

Research Question 2 (10 points)

Focusing on your client’s Facebook page and posts of the last 3 months*, analyse their

social media engagement. To this aim, complete the following tasks:

1.   Create  one  Tableau  dashboard  visualising  the  main  social  media  actions  and engagement metrics of the posts. Then, provide a description of relevant  social media action trends in the timeframe analysed. Feel free to code for different post characteristics, including their objectives/purposes, sentiment, etc. and visualise the main  social media actions based on them to  draw deeper and more insightful

conclusions from the graphs.

2.   Identify  what  content  characteristics  lead  to  higher  engagement  and  lower engagement. To do so, find 6 posts – 3 with relatively high engagement and 3 with relatively  low  engagement –  and  divide  them  into  two  groups based  on  their engagement level. Highlight similarities within the groups and differences across

groups in terms of:

•   Content type

•   Content theme(s)

•   Posting time/schedule

•   Engagement metrics and sentiment (only if available)

*Note: if your client posts regularly (more than 2 posts a week), then focus on the posts from the last three months. If your client does not post regularly (1 or fewer posts a week), you can go back as far as 6 months or one year – just remember to explain your choice when you describe your methodology.

Research Question 3 (10 points)

After manually collecting or web scraping the 50 most recent reviews from Google Reviews on your assigned client, understand what customers are saying or feeling about their market offering (service or good). To this aim, do the following:

1.   Analyse the sentiment of the reviews and visualise it by plotting it against other variables of interest (e.g., star rating, gender of the reviewer, likes received by the review, time of the review, etc.);

2.   Conduct text mining on the reviews and create one concept map representing the main themes and concepts covered in the reviews. To do this, divide the reviews into three groups: high (4 and 5 stars), middle (3 stars), and low (1 and 2 stars) star ratings. What are the main themes emerging from each group of reviews?

Notes: (1) Ensure that when you retrieve reviews from Google you click on Sort by > Newest. Only retrieve reviews with text data and screen out reviews with only emojis, not in English, and without text data. (2) Ensure you explain the methodology stages (and choices) involved in your text data analysis. (3) Please provide the raw data as an appendix – this won’t count towards the word count and will be outside of the 20 pagesWithout this appendix, we won’t be able to assess whether you analysed the right data, so you need to provide it to receive a grade for this question.

Report Structure:

Because this is a report, structure it as follows:

1.   Executive summary (1 page) – a quick overview of the client and its main audience, the study conducted, your main findings, and the recommendations based on your findings on a standalone page.

2.   Analyses for research questions 1-3 (3-5 pages for each approximately)  ensure you include:

a.   The methodology implemented;

b.   An overview of your analysis supported by relevant evidence (e.g., screenshots of output, tables, graphs, and pictures of posts);

c.   The interpretation of the findings.

Note: in order to limit the plagiarism score of your assignment, please do not copy and paste the wording of each question as written in the assignment brief in your report. Instead, you can provide several section headings “Research Question 1: SEO” .

3.   Recommendations (2-3 pages) - based on your results for Research Questions 1-3, provide some recommendations to your allocated company to improve on their current online and offline tactics and strategies. Note: ensure these recommendations are linked to your actual findings and are related to the digital marketing funnel/customer journey!