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PSYC 1100 Lab Assignment 3: UConn Psychological Sciences Research


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PSYC 1100 Lab

Assignment 3: UConn Psychological Sciences Research

You should know that you are attending a Research 1 University, which means that UConn is engaged in the highest level of research activity amongst the Universities in the US. Such affords unique opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in research or just to learn about research from “practitioners”. Past Psychological Science graduate (PhD) and undergraduate (BA and BS) students now hold prestigious positions at any number of research universities! You could be them one day if that is your career/professional ambition!

Find a published, peer-reviewed, empirical research article using a PsycINfo, Pub Med or another database that was published by a faculty member in the Psychological Sciences Department (past or present) through an affiliation with UConn Psychological Sciences. Then answer the following set of queries using a PowerPoint.

Feel free to add in any additional information/figures from the study that you found interesting!

***Do not copy/paste directly from the article you read, summarize in your own words!***
- You ARE allowed to copy and paste the abstract from the article for question 1 only.

This assignment will be graded on the modified specification grading scale described in the syllabus.

For this assignment, you may use any type of article (experimental, quasi-experimental descriptive, etc.) but NOT a review article. The topic can be any topic you are interested in.

The study must have been performed through an affiliation with UConn Psychological Sciences. So, if the author is a current member of UConn Psychological Sciences, but published the article while at a different institution, you’ll have to find a different article.  

Link to UCONN Psychology Databases: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/psychology/databases 

1) Provide the proper APA citation for this study and copy and paste the entire abstract of the article onto your PowerPoint.

For an APA citation example/guide, click here.

2) Clearly state the Psychological Sciences faculty member and provide brief background information about the other authors (were they colleagues at UConn; undergraduate working in the faculty members lab, were they graduate students, researchers at a different institution?)  YOU MUST identify ALL of the authors (if three or less) or the first three of the authors if there are more than three.  

3) The Psychological Sciences Dept has seven distinct graduate programs; to which programs do the authors “belong” and do you consider the research to be mostly related to “social” science or “natural” science or a mix of the two? Notice that there may be multiple authors who belong to different programs and multiple authors who are not affiliated with UConn. You are only required to answer this question for authors who a part of UConn.

4) Provide your rationale for why you know this is a peer-reviewed article and what type of research methodology was used in this study (descriptive, “true” or “quasi” experimental, etc.) Do not just give a definition of peer-review or the chosen research methodology, give a reason why you know the article you chose has been peer-reviewed/is this type of research methodology.

5) What is the main finding(s) in this publication?

6) Present a figure or table from the manuscript and describe it in your “own words” (do not copy and paste information from the figure legends).  You can keep it short/simple. You need to include the figure/table in your slideshow.

7) What more would you like to know about this question/research? Your answer to this cannot be “There is nothing more I would like to know”.

8) Did the published study indicate the sources of funding for this research?