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FALL 2023 LINA01 Assignment 2


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FALL 2023 LINA01

Assignment 2 (out of 20 points)


Due: Wednesday, November 8 by 11:59pm (submit on Quercus)

Value: 12% (of your final grade)


-     Please submit your assignment using theAssignment 2 linkon Quercus.

-     All assignments should be submitted as a single PDF file with the following naming convention:

o F2023_LINA01_Assignment2_StudentNumber_LastName

-     Acceptable formats: PDF as it is less likely to contain formatting or font issues.

- Answer all questions inside the green boxes.

-     Assignments must be typed (except where image submissions are required). Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt and black ink only. Your responses should not be highlighted or in colour other than black.

-     Beware of any information that you may find on the internet.

-     Please respect the principles of academic integrity when completing this assignment: submit only work that is your own.


-     This assignment consists of three (3) sections (pages 3-7).

-     Please read all questions thoroughly before writing down your answer. Ensure that your answer addresses all the points raised in the question.

-     For any question that asks you to “explain” or “justify” your answer, your answer must go beyond a single-word answer. This could include 2-3 short sentences in explanation or supporting

examples from the data.

-     Please use complete sentences when an explanation is required. Think through your answers

before writing them down and proofread your assignment before submitting it. While the TAs   will not be grading you on your writing style/grammar, they will be looking for well-organized and clear responses. If it isn’t clear what you are trying to say, you will lose marks.

- All assignments must be completed individually, without the help of outside sources such as  tutors and online websites such as Chegg. Beware of the information provided by generative AI (e.g., Chat GPT).

Consider the sentence below. Using the specified constituency test, determine whether the string of words in square brackets is a constituent or not.

(1) The sun-blocking cream under my bed melted in the extreme heat.

Note: Treat ‘sun-blocking’ as a single word.

a. Apply the Clefting Test to the following string of words (5 points):

[the sun-blocking cream]

i. Apply the Clefting Test. Make sure to clearly show how the test works. (1 point)

ii. Is the sequence a constituent? (1 point) Yes No

iii. Explain how you arrived at the answer in (ii). (1 point)

iv. If [the sun-blocking cream] is a constituent, draw the syntactic tree that best represents its

internal structure. If [the sun-blocking cream] is not a constituent, write “Not a constituent” . (2 points)

Consider the sentence below. Using the specified constituency test, determine whether the string of words in square brackets is a constituent or not.

(2) My Saturday haircut appointment turned into an unforgettable nightmare.

b. Test: Substitution/Replacement Test (5 points)

[turned into an unforgettable nightmare]

i. Apply the Substitution Test. Make sure to clearly show how the test works. (1 point)

ii. Is the sequence a constituent? (1 point) Yes No

iii. Explain how you arrived at the in (ii). (1 point)

iv. If [turned into an unforgettable nightmare] is a constituent, draw the syntactic tree that best  represents its internal structure. If [turned into an unforgettable nightmare] is not a constituent, write “Not a constituent” . (2 points)

Consider the following sentence. List all the phrases (constituents) contained in the sentence.

(3) Under very specific circumstances, Meiqi can drink a gallon ofFresca.

Note: Treat [Fresca] as anoun. It’sa fizzy drink.

a. Identify the subject and the predicate. (4 points)

Subject (NP):

Predicate (VP):

Now, list all the phrases inside the subject and the predicate. You do not need to repeat the Subject/Predicate listed above. Make sure to label each phrase (NP, VP, PP, AdjP, or AdvP).

b. Based on your answers above, does the chunk [under very specific circumstances] occur inside the subject NP or the predicate VP? Explain. (2 points)

c. Draw the syntactic tree that best represents your analysis in parts (a) and (b). Recall that in a syntactic tree, a sentence is labeled CL (short for clause). (4 points)

Before submitting your final draft, please make sure that you have followed all the instructions outlined on page 2.

I confirm that I have carefully read the assignment instructions and that I have:

Completed all parts of the assignment without receiving aid from outside sources.

Typed all my answers inside the answer boxes in green (Times New Roman, 12 pt in black ink) and embedded my morphological trees into the document.

口   Named myfile using the following convention:


Converted myfile to PDF format.

Please submit your assignment on Quercus:Assignment 2.