关键词 > Excel代写



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General Instructions:

a) This is an individual assignment. You should not consult others.

b) This is an open book assignment. You are free to consult any source but all sources must be acknowledged.  If you cut-and-paste material without mentioning the source, you will lose points.


Pick one of the following countries: Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, Poland, Turkey. You should turn in a PPT and EXCEL file following the structure given below. The EXCEL file should have a ‘read me’ sheet explaining how the file is organized and what it contains. Label all charts clearly. Each axis should be clearly labelled mentioning what is showing and what the units are (e.g. percent, percentage change)

For your chosen country:

1) Present some facts and pictures about your chosen country on slide 1 of your PPT. (Also, list your name on this slide).

2) Show a chart of real income over time. Go as far back in time as you can find data.

This should be slide 2 of the PPT and the data should be in the EXCEL file .

3) Show a chart of real income per capita over time. Go as far back in time as you can find data.

Slide 3 of the PPT and all the data should be in the EXCEL file.

4) How would you describe the trends (or trends) in real income per capita?

Slides 4 and 5. You can use charts and bullet points to describe the trends. Any computations should be given in the EXCEL file. All sources must be listed in the ‘notes’ part of the slide.

5) How would you describe the business cycles or economic fluctuations (deviations from trend) in real income per capita?

Slides 6 and 7. You can use charts and bullet points to describe the cycles. Any computations should be given in the EXCEL file. All sources must be listed in the ‘notes’ part of the slide.

6) Estimate Okun’s Law and Phillips Curve for your chosen country.

Slides 8 and 9. Data and computations must be in the EXCEL file.

7) ‘Wild card’ slides: The content of slides 10-15 is up to you to decide. You can use the slides to present facts or analysis about your chosen country that are related to our course material.