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ACCFIN5017 International Capital Markets


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Assessment Brief 2023/24

Assignment Information

Course Code


Course Title

International Capital Markets

Course Coordinator

Ufuk Gucbilmez



Question release date

Monday 18th  September

Submission date:

Monday 6th   November

Grades and Feedback to be released on:

Monday 27th   November

Word limit

2,000 (+/- 10%)

Action to be taken if word limit is exceeded

Use academic judgement to adjust the grade to reflect failure to adhere to the word limit.

1. Question

Investment management: Setting up a £100 million global fund

Further details

You have been appointed as investment managers to set up a global fund with a size of £100 million. The fund will contain a total of 20 securities and will have an investment

horizon of at least 5 years.   Furthermore, your fund is subject to the following constraints:

.      It should contain equities and can (but is not required to) contain bonds and currencies as additional asset classes.

.      It should contain securities from the UK market (domestic market) and at least one other market (foreign market), but no more than four markets in total.

.      The securities you choose should be traded on public markets (i.e., they should have a market price).

.      They should be individual securities and not portfolios of securities.

.      The trades involving foreign securities should consider the exchange rate.

Planning stage (Week 3)

During this initial stage, you should decide your fund’s investment objectives, form capital market expectations, and build your policy portfolio based on your decisions regarding

strategic asset allocation (SAA) and tactical asset allocation (TAA).

Execution stage (Week 4)

Once you build your policy portfolio, you will identify and purchase 20 specific securities in accordance with your policy portfolio. The purchases must be based on the closing prices  and exchange rates on Friday 13 October 2023, which can be obtained from Bloomberg, Datastream, Yahoo! Finance, or another credible source.

Feedback stage (Weeks 5-6)

During the feedback stage, you will monitor your investments and will have opportunities to    change the composition of your portfolio based on the closing prices and exchange rates on  the following date: Friday 20 October 2023. You can use this opportunity to rebalance your   portfolio or to engage in TAA. You can conduct fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and portfolio optimisation to support your decision making. In your report, the current value of

your fund will be based on the closing prices on Friday 27 October 2023.

As a group, you are required to submit a written report that offers a critical discussion and/or rigorous analysis on:

.      Your fund’s investment objectives, constraints, and the overall investment approach.

.      How your fund formed capital market expectations.

.      Your policy portfolio and your fund’s approach to SAA and TAA.

.      How specific securities were selected to your portfolio.

.      How you monitored and updated your portfolio.

.      The performance of your fund.

.      What you learned from this group coursework.

This assessment is group-based in order to improve your skills in

.      Working effectively in a team-working environment,

.      Demonstrating effective communication and an ability to contribute effectively to group project work.

2. Further Details

Groups will consist of four (4) students. Students can choose their own groups.

Students are expected to meet on a weekly basis, and keeping meeting minutes is advisable.

Students will be given opportunities during workshops to ask questions related to the coursework.

During the process, if one or more members of a group believe that there is a case of unequal contribution, each member should:

.      Read the ‘Peer Evaluation Instructions’ document available under the Group Assignment section on Moodle.

.      Upload the completed ‘peer evaluation’ and ‘statement of individual

contribution’ forms, which are at the end of the Peer Evaluation Instructions document.

3. Assessment Rubric/Criteria

The following criteria will be considered when assessing your report. Your grade will not be affected by your fund’s performance.

1.   Understanding of topic.

2.   Relevance of material.

3.   Quality of logical argument.

4.   Capacity to bridge theory & practice.

5.   Originality and creativity.

6.   Acknowledgement of sources & references.

7.   Engagement with academic literature.

8.   Clarity of language.

9.   Structure of report.

10. Standard of presentation

The first five criteria (1-5) carry more weight than the remaining five criteria (6-10).

Specifically, approximately 60% of your final grade will depend on criteria 1-5 and 40% on criteria 6-10.

4. Feedback

For this assignment, individual feedback will be provided via Moodle.  Generic (class-level) feedback and grade profiles will be posted on Moodle.

Students can use academic staff office hours for additional feedback on their work.

5. Submitting

Submit your coursework using the named submission linkin the Assessment Section of your Course Moodle page. Take care to submit by the deadline or you may face

lateness penalties.

Document creation- Group Written

1.   Please name files in the following way:  GroupNo_CourseCode_QuestionNo.  e.g.

Group3_ACCFIN4099_1.  If there is no question choice, use 1 as the default. 2.   The file type must be .doc,. .doxc, .xls, .xlsx or .pdf.

3.   Include your group number in your document, ideally in the header on each page

with the course code and title, e.g. Group3_ACCFIN1003_Finance1.

4.   One designated member of the group should submit the file to Moodle.

5.   All group members will upload a peer assessment and self-reflection form, using the naming convention GroupNo_CourseCode_StudentNo.  e.g.


6.   The maximum file size limit on Moodle is 230MB.

6. Student conduct

Referencing and bibliography

For information, please go to the University Library webpage.


For advice and more information, please go to:

.      Student Learning Development web pages

.      University Plagiarism Statement

If you make use of AI at any point in your research or writing process, no matter at what

stage, you must acknowledge the use of that source/platform as you would any other piece of evidence/material in your submission.


Your coursework will be processed through Turnitin for similarity checking.  You can submit a draft of your coursework to Turnitin before submitting your final copy.  You will find

information about using Turnitin in the Student Information Point Moodle [PSIP]

7. Generative AI

Generative AI offers many new opportunities for learning and the development of academic   skill although, like any technology, it must be used judiciously.  Students should consider the data protection and privacy issues that can be caused by using AI.  Consider how your

personal information will be used before signing up to AI tools and ensure you read any data protection policies before interacting with AI.  You should not feel pressured into using AI

tools if you are uncomfortable with the data protection or privacy issues.  Bear in mind that responses to AI queries can be biased due to the inherent biases present in their training   data.  This can lead to unfair and discriminatory responses.

Copying (including paraphrasing) AI responses to queries would be considered as plagiarism, as it would for copying the response from any internet search.

Further information can be found here.

8. Extensions and non-submission with good


Extension of up to 5 days

Extensions are not available for group projects.

Good cause for non-submission, late submission and extension of more than 5 days

We understand that during your studies, events that you cannot control (e.g., death of a  family member, personal circumstances, physical and mental ill health, etc.) may impact your ability to perform well in or complete assessments.

If you are experiencing such circumstances, you can submit a good cause claim in MyCampus.

You have five working days from the assessment deadline date to submit your good cause  claim. If you are prevented from submitting your claim within five days for good reason, you must detail this in your claim. You will receive an acknowledgement on MyCampus when

you submit. After you have submitted your claim, you have five working days to retract it.

If you have any questions, please contact your subject team:

[email protected]