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FTA005 Film Appreciation


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FTA005 Film Appreciation

Final Assessment

Photo Essay + A Video Demonstration

Grade100% of final mark


The final project is designed to encourage students to explore and appreciate the art of cinema through a creative perspective.

In this project, each student will create a 5-8 series photo essay that reinterprets a scene from Life of Pi. Students are also required to submit a 3-4 min video to provide a detailed demonstration of their creative process.

Task Description:

A. Photo Essay:

A photo essay serves as a powerful tool for visual storytelling, utilizing a sequence of photographs to convey a narrative, evoke emotions, and explore various themes or   concepts.

In the project, students are encouraged to: use a series of 5-8 photos to recreate the story of a scene from Life of Pi and reimagine various aspects of the film, including its narrative, mood, emotion, artistic vision, and more. Through this project, students can apply their understanding of the film’s aesthetics and thematic elements to create a series of visually compelling photos to reflect their cinematic storytelling and artistic expression skills.

Please note that all photos must be taken by the students themselves. Images from  the internet, screenshots of the film, or paintings will not be accepted. Photos allow for post-processing, such as color grading, but no text can be added to the photo.

Photos can refer to the composition and performance in the original film, and

students can also create their own composition and performance based on the plot. Still, it is necessary to ensure that the photos convey sufficient visual information so that the audience can understand the story that happened in that scene.

B. Video Demonstration:

In addition to the photo essay, students are required to produce a 3–4-minute video that offers a detailed demonstration of their creative process. For example, discuss    what aspects of the scene inspired them; Describe their creative vision for the photo essay. What emotions, themes, or messages do they intend to convey through their  reinterpretation?

To be more specific, the video can include the following contents:

· Scene Inspiration: Students should discuss how they generate their idea of the

photo essay and what aspects of the selected scene inspired them, whether it be its visual composition, emotional depth, character dynamics, or thematic relevance.

· Creative Vision: Describe their unique creative vision for the photo essay. What

emotions, themes, or messages do they aim to convey through their reinterpretation? And how?

Students should present themselves in front of the camera while recording the video. The language of the demonstration should be English.

(Note: It’s also recommended to incorporate relevant images or clips from Life of Pi in the demonstration video if you feel it’d be more effective to convey your idea.

However, it’s not mandatory, and it won’t affect your grade.)

Submission Guidelines

A. Delivery Format

1. Your photo essay should be saved as a single pdf. File.

Name your file as: Title_StudentName_StudentNumber.pdf

2. You video demonstration should be in a common video format (e.g., MP4) that can be easily viewed on standard media players. It should be in horizontal screen  format (1920*1080)

Name your video file as: Title_StudentName_StudentNumber.mp4

3. Place your photo essay and your video demonstration in ONE FOLDER. Name your folder as: Title_StudentName_StudentNumber.

Please submit your folder to Box via:


B. Deadline:

23:59, 10th  Nov, 2023 (Week 8)

Marking Descriptors and Criteria for Final Assessment







Final Assessment


Marking Criteria

 Marks Awarded by Marker

1. The artistic quality of the photos, such as

composition, lighting, performance, and setting (30%)


2. Clarity in narrative and accuracy in expressing emotions in the photos (40%)


3. The clarity of the inspiration and creative vision demonstrated in the video (30%)



