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BUSML 3380 – Logistics Management Midterm Exam


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BUSML 3380 – Logistics Management

Midterm Exam Review

Questions could come from (in order of importance):

•    Lecture slides and recorded lectures (if any)

•    Matching quizzes (see Terms and Definitions 1 & 2)

•    Posted CEA reports (see the Readings page under Important Links)

•   Assigned readings (see the Readings page under Important Links)

•   Textbook chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 12

Concepts to know:

•   What is logistics? What is a supply chain? What is supply chain management? Why are supply chains complex?

•    Understand the five major external forces pressuring supply chains.

•    Be able to recognize supply chain flows (product, information, financial).

•    Understand the significance of ports.

•    Understand the factors behind global trade and the challenges associated with it.

•    Know the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage.

•    Know the countries belonging to the USMCA, KORUS, and CTPA.

•    Understand the roles of logistics managers.

•   What is omnichannel retailing?

•    Make-to-Stock vs Make-to-Order

•   The difference between assemble-to-order, build-to-order, and engineer-to-order

•   What is a 2PL? What is a 3PL? What is a 4PL? What are some examples of each?

•   What are the strengths and weaknesses of 3PLs? What logistics activities are frequently outsourced to 3PLs?

•   The range of relationship types (transactional, collaborative, strategic) and examples of each.

Assigned readings and CEAs:

•    Understand supply chain (SC) risk. What steps did Apple take to mitigate SC risk? How was Chipotle affected by SC risk?

•    Know the factors that helped expand the Colombian rose industry and the parties that benefited from its development.

•   What are some new logistics strategies used by Nike and Peloton in recent years?

•    Know the details (expected benefits, realized benefits, winner/loser, controversy) about one of the free trade agreements discussed in the posted CEA reports.

•    Know the factors that influence location choice. What factors did Amazon consider in its HQ2 search?