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MGT435H5F Assignment 3: Coding a Decision Algorithm


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Assignment 3: Coding a Decision Algorithm

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply your analysis and new VBA coding skills to case LT3: Liability Trading with Dynamic Order Arrival. The two overarching goals are:

.    Develop and implement an algorithmic strategy that reliably produces profits.

.    Produce a well-documented code and evidence of its correct working.

This assignment has two parts: the first is to develop a decision algorithm to decide on whether or not to accept a tender offer, to run and test it, and to provide a short (2 page plus code) write- up. The second part is a brief in-class quiz to test your understanding of your solution.

Specifically, take the following steps.

1.   Carefully describe the steps in and logic of your decision algorithm. Outline which parts   you implement with VBA, and which parts draw upon RTD functions (if at all). (Note: the are always several ways how to obtain the same result.) You will need to spend some time studying the RIT VBA and RTD manual to identify a workable solution.

Time: 2 hours.

2.   My expectation is that you are able to deliver a code that works. Your code + spread sheet will have several components that I’d like you to produce:

a.   Develop the code/spreadsheet that processes the information from the tender offer and presents a decision problem. Time: 20 minutes

b.   Develop the code that assesses whether or not to accept a tender offer. Time: 20 minutes.

c.    Develop a code the implements the post acceptance trading strategy. Time: 15- 30 minutes.

Overall, you need to budget about 3-5 hours for this assignment. Please make sure to check Canvas as I have provided a fair deal of guidance there.

Due date: on Canvas

Deliverables: a short (~2 page) write up, your full VBA code as well as any RTD functions that you use, the complete Excel sheet that you use.