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PSY3033 Statistical Methods in Psychology II 2023-2024, 1st Term


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PSY3033 Statistical Methods in Psychology II

(Due date:  11:59 pm, 10 Nov 2023 (Fri))


1. Please submit your assignment (in the format of PDF file) to Moodle by 11:59 pm, 10 Nov 2023 (Fri).

2. Please also submit a hard copy of your assignment together with the signed Assignment Submission Declaration Form (can be downloaded on Moodle) by putting them into the pigeon hole of “Dr Kwan Lok Yin Joyce” located outside PS department (D1-2/F-26) within four days after the submission deadline. The hard copy of your assignment must be the SAME as the one which you have uploaded to Moodle. No mark will be given if different copies are submitted.

3. The timestamp of your submission in Moodle will be counted as your final submission time. Marks will be deducted for any late submission without prior approval and/or a valid reason. A 7-day grace period (1st to 7th days after the stipulated deadline) will be given to students. Assignment submitted within the grace period will be penalized. Assignment submitted after the grace period (i.e. the 8th day onwards) will NOT be accepted.

4. Please TYPE your answer. Handwritten answer is NOT accepted.

5. When you answer the question, DO NOT simply put down the SPSS output. NO mark will be given to any SPSS output without your own interpretation. Do NOT print out all SPSS output unless you are told to do so.

6. Statistical results should be reported in APA style. As a general rule of thumb, “use two or three decimal places and report exact values for all p values greater than .001. For p values smaller than .001, report them as p < .001”. You may visit the following link (https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/numbers-and-statistics/) for more tips on how to report numbers and statistics in APA style.

7. Use α = .05 whenever appropriate.

Question 1 (35 points)

The study by Madera and Hebl (2011) have showed that interviewers recalled less information and gave lower ratings to applicants with a blemish. In a similar study, a group of male interviewers and a group of female interviewers were recruited and there were asked to conduct a series of computer-simulated interviews with three applicants who have (1) no blemish; (2) a facial scar; and (3) a facial birthmark. The ratings given to the applicants by each interviewer were saved in the file “hwq1_2023.sav”, which can be downloaded from Moodle.

a. Using SPSS, create a mean plots to summarize the data (Reminder: Don’t forget to label the axes appropriately). (3 point)

b. Conduct the appropriate analysis to test if there were any significant effects of interviewer’s gender and applicant’s facial condition on the ratings. Write a paragraph to demonstrate how the results of this analysis would appear in the research report. In your paragraph, you should include: (i) the type of analysis that you have done; (ii) results of the test of sphericity; (iii) results of the test of the two main effects and one interaction effect; (iv) results of test of simple effects of gender in each facial condition; and (v) your conclusion about this study based on the results you have reported. Use APA style when you report the statistics. (Reminder: report the effect size as well whenever appropriate when you report the statistics) (32 points)

Question 2 (40 points)

Blinka & Mikuška (2014) studied the role of social factors in online addictive gaming. In their study, they found that social factors such as social motivation, social self-efficacy, and peer attachment were modestly associated to online addictive gaming among massively multiplayer online (MMO) gamers. In a similar study, a researcher has examined if social factors may also account for online game addiction in country ABC. The researcher has collected data from 500 MMO gamers and the dataset includes the following variables:




age in years

Play time

play time in hours

In-Game Friendship

higher scores, higher perceived quality of friendships formed with other players within the MMOs

Social Motivation

higher scores, higher motivation

Social Self-Efficacy

higher scores, higher self-efficacy

Online game addiction

higher scores, higher risk of addiction  

The SPSS data file “hwq2-2023.sav” can be downloaded at Moodle.

Assuming you are the research assistant of the researcher, help the researcher conduct a hierarchical regression analysis to test the effect of social factors on online game addiction after controlling for age and play time, the potential confounding variable using the data file “hwq2-2023.sav”. Based on the results of your data analysis, answers the following questions:

a. Follow the instruction below and help the researcher to write the Result section on p.4 using APA style.

(i) Give a title to Table 1 (1 point).

(ii) Complete Table 1 by inserting the means, standard deviations, and the correlations among the variables in the table. Flag the significance of the correlations using asterisks (* = p < .05; ** = p < .01, *** = p < .001) (10 points)

(iii) Complete Table 2 by inserting the unstandardized coefficients (B), their standard error (SE), standardized coefficient (β), R2, and ∆R2 in the table. Flag the significance of B, R2, and ∆R2 using asterisks (* = p < .05; ** = p < .01, *** = p < .001) (10 points)

(iv) Complete the paragraph on p. 4 to report the effect of in-game friendship, social motivation, and social self-efficacy on online game addiction. In your paragraph, you have to include: (1) the total variance explained by the social factors after controlling for age and playtime, and (2) the effect of each social factor on online game addiction. Please support your answers with appropriate statistical evidences. (16 points)

b. As a follow-up, the researcher has asked you if there was the problem of multicollinearity and if there was any outlier in this model. How will you answer the researcher? Explain your answer by providing the appropriate statistical evidences (3 points).


Table 1











1. Age









2. Play time









3.In-Game Friendship









4. Social Motivation









5. Social Self-Efficacy









6. Online game addiction









*p < .05; **p < .01, *** p < .001 (one-tailed)

Table 2

Hierarchical Regression Results on Online Game Addiction


Model 1

Model 2














Play time







In-Game Friendship







Social Motivation







Social Self-Efficacy





















 *p < .05; **p < .01, *** p < .001

Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of the test variables. A hierarchical regression analysis with age and play time as control variables was conducted to test the effect of social factors on online game addiction. Table 2 shows the results of the hierarchical regression analysis. The results suggested that ….