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IBUS 7302 – Operating International Business Semester 2, 2021, Final Exam


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IBUS 7302: Operating International Business

Semester 2, 2021

QUESTION ONE (10 marks)

The Global Marketing Director of a multinational company selling mobile phones is interested in conducting a large-scale survey worldwide to assess the culture values of the company’s employees and customers in different countries. The aim is to use the results of the survey to design appropriate marketing and management strategies, practices, and incentives across the different subsidiaries of the multinational firm.

You have been appointed as the chief consultant for the culture survey. Your task for this multinational company is to:

(1) Explain the three culture perspectives that we discussed in the class.

(2) Identify the national culture models underlying each of these perspectives.

(3) Discuss the implications of the different culture perspectives on the company’s marketing and management strategy design and implementation.

(4) Recommend and justify the culture perspective that best reflects the reality of culture around the world.

(5) Illustrate with appropriate example(s) how your recommended culture perspective can be put into practice in the context of the mobile phone MNC.

PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW (max 2 pages / max 600 words):

QUESTION TWO (10 marks)

A. On 1st Jan 2020, a cup of coffee costs four dollars in Australia and 30 Yuan in China. If the inflation rate in 2020 is 5% in Australia and 25% in China, what would be the Australian dollar to Chinese Yuan exchange rate on 1 Jan 2020 and on 1 Jan 2021 (that is, how many Chinese Yuan (CNY) for one Australian dollar (AUD)). (Assume coffee purchasing power parity (PPP) for these two countries during this period.) (2 marks)

B. Calculate and explain the percent appreciation or depreciation of each currency (Australian dollar and Chinese Yuan) from 1 Jan 2020 to 1 Jan 2021 relative to the other currency in part A of this question. (2 marks)

C. Explain clearly and precisely the implications of the exchange rate changes in part B of this question on each of the following: (6 marks)

(i) Australian exports to China?

(ii) Chinese exports to Australia?

(iii) Investment flows from Australia to China?

(iv) Investment flows from China to Australia?

Please note – all calculations and correct, clear, detailed, and precise explanations must be provided in your answers to every part of this question.

PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW (max 2 pages / max 600 words):


A Chinese firm has set up a large-scale factory for manufacturing face masks in China. The plant can produce high quality masks at low cost, and these can be easily and quickly transported and delivered to customers worldwide. There is urgent need for face masks around the world. All countries support and encourage free trade in face masks without imposing any tariffs.

Based on your detailed analysis and evaluation of all foreign market entry mode alternatives for this company specifically, (and not just a general theoretical comparison of various entry modes), recommend and justify the entry mode that the firm described above should choose (and should not choose) to enter international markets. Explain the key characteristics of your proposed mode and how the firm should implement your proposed mode for entering foreign markets.

Please note – simply providing a theoretical discussion of the different entry modes is insufficient.

Each mode must be analyzed and evaluated in the specific context of the firm in this question.

PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW (max 2 pages / max 600 words):

QUESTION FOUR (10 marks)

The table below provides a summary of a few key aspects of international strategy for four multinational firms. As an organisation structure design consultant, you have learnt that structure must fit strategy. Please recommend and justify the most appropriate organization structure for each of these multinational firms, that best fits their respective international strategies. Explain the key characteristics of each of your recommended organization structures. (Please provide detailed calculations as required to answer this question.)

PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW (max 2 pages / max 600 words):