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FTA003 Explore Creativity in Digital Media Arts Semester 1, ACY2023-2024


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FTA003 Explore Creativity in Digital Media Arts

Semester 1, ACY2023-2024


Assessment Introduction

This assessment is a coursework that aims to assess and enhance your understanding of the concepts and processes related to visual creativity. In this assessment, you are required to design a poster to introduce an artist/designer and his/her work to the audience. You are free to select any  artist or designer who has piqued your interest covered in the module.

Learning Outcome Assessed

A.   Demonstrate a familiarity with the creative process inherent in Digital Media Art. B.   Understand the design principle in Digital Media Art Programme

Assessment Instructions

Step 1: Select the Artist/Designer

Select a visual artist or designer that you have learned about in the module and find intriguing.

When making your choice, you may evaluate the artist/designer from the perspectives like his/her background, biography, artistic influences, notable works, visual style, etc.

Step 2: Comment on the Artist/Designer and his/her work with key words

Conduct comprehensive research about the artist’s visual style, key elements such as color palettes, composition techniques, typography (if applicable), and overall aesthetic features. Make comments on the artist/designer and his/her work using some key words.

Step 3: Create a poster

Based on the content, create a poster to introduce the artist/designer and his/her work to the audience as well as your comments. The poster should include texts and images which can be of various styles but the following aspects should be paid attention to and assessed:

.    Content of the poster: the key information about the artist/designer and his/her work should be presented clearly in the poster;

.    Your comment on the artist (key words) should be presented in a visually attractive and effective manner;

.    You can use multiple images, icons, graphs, charts, texts, etc. in the poster; but all these elements should be arranged in a visually appealing and balanced layout.

Please note, you should try to use visual tools such as color, symbol, typography instead of using large chunks of texts to introduce the content, which may affect the overall effectiveness of the   poster.

You can complete the poster project using hand-drawing techniques, digital design tools, or a combination of both. If hand-drawing, ensure that you scan your artwork and finalize it digitally for submission.

Submission Requirements

Poster size: A3, vertical or horizonal

Format: Image format (e.g. JPEG/PNG/TIFF/GIF) or PDF, keep the file size under 100MB

File Naming: Givenname Familyname_Student ID_FTA003 (e.g. SanZhang_230021_FTA003) Submission: via course Learning Mall Dropbox link

Deadline for Submission: November 6, 17:00, Beijing Time, 2023

Marking Criteria

The assessment is 100% of the final mark. The assessment will be marked following the criteria and descriptors below:

1.   Demonstrate Familiarity with the Creative Process in Digital Media Art (40%)

l Clarity and conciseness of the introduction to the artist/designer and his/her work:

o In your poster, you should cover the key information about the

artist/designer and his/her work while the information should be presented clearly and concisely using various visual elements.


l Significance of your comment on the artist/designer and his/her work:

o The key words you use to comment on the artist/designer and his/her work should have significance and demonstrate your in-depth

understanding of the person and his/her work


2.   Understand Design Principles in Digital Media Art Programme (60%)

l Composition:

o Effective arrangement of text and image(s) in a visually appealing and balanced layout.


l Color and Typography :

o Skillfully uses colors and typography to enhance the poster's visual appeal and align with the artist/designer's style.

o Demonstrates an understanding of the impact of color and typography in design.


l Creativity and Originality :

o Ability to bring a fresh perspective or unique interpretation to the chosen artist/designer's style.
